Chapter 24: Determination

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"Miss Hendricks, I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but was your sister suicidal? I understand your parents death has been extremely hard, but it's looking like this might be the case".

I had cried so much that the tears were now leaving my face so sore.

Nan informed me that Amelia was on her way to me. Of course, to Giovanni's displeasure, I ended our raunchy office sex to get home in time to welcome her back, but instead I was greeted with the police on my door.

"No, there's no way she'd kill herself. Sure she'd shut herself away, but she wouldn't leave me like that. She loves us too much to do that" I sobbed into my hands.

I had lost my parents and now Amelia had disappeared only leaving behind her bike by the bridge standing over the Grantley river. And on the handle of her bike there was a supposed suicide note from her. It was her writing. It was her thoughts and feelings. But I know my sister.

"Ma'am, with all due respect sometimes people hide their true pain as they do not wish to share it with others. Your sister lost her parents and from her school record it has been noted that she was more or less alone. We also checked her medical records"-

"You have no authority to do that!" Giovanni yelled as he pulled me into his side.

"Sir, an 11 year old girl went missing only to leave a suicide note. This is one of the youngest cases we have ever had. We have to consider all possibilities. We are trying to rule out the chance of murder".

Pushing myself up off the sofa, I stumbled towards the front door and shakily opened it up.

"P-Please leave" I muttered out through sobs.

I watched as the police and detectives gathered up their belongings and made sure to give me their cards on the way out telling me they'd be in contact.

As soon as they stepped out of the door, I slammed it shut and screamed at the top of my lungs.

Feeling myself fall back in shock of everything, Giovanni swiftly caught me in his arms and carried me to my bedroom.

He undressed me to nothing and quickly slipped on a large shirt before getting into bed with me.

Using his chest as a punching bag, I hit him constantly and screamed into his warm chest praying for rest and for God to stop punishing me this way.

There was no way it was suicide. Nana called to say that she had cycled over to me with Edward. Both were missing.

"She's dead, isn't she? My baby sister is dead" I cried out.

I buried my parents and now I would have to wait for my sister's body to show up so I could bury her too.

"Hey, look at me" Giovanni yelled whilst grabbing my cheeks.

"Why is everyone I love leaving me?" I muttered out with tears pouring down my cheeks.

"She's gone. SHE'S GONE" I screamed at him desperately fighting out of his tight grip, but he relented and kept me chained up to him.

"I am supposed to protect her. I was supposed to protect them all and I can't even do that".

Giovanni remained silent as I cried into his chest.

Why was the world punishing me? What had I done to lose my family.

Jumping out of bed, I grabbed my phone and shakily dialled Grandma.

"Baby"- Giovanni called out.

"Nan, are both Finn and Nora safe?" I asked frantically.

I couldn't take any risks. I messed up big time. I thought about myself and look what happened. My sister is missing, supposedly dead.

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