Chapter 6: Why do I care?

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"Here's your latte and lemon drizzle cake".

Elias passed me over my favourites from Starbucks and smiled appreciatively when I thanked him for them.

I could eat lemon drizzle cake anytime of day. Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon, dinner or midnight snack. 

"You always did love lemon drizzle cake more than me" he teased as he took a sip of his americano before placing it in his cup holder.

I stayed silent as he smiled at me before looking back out front and started to drive.

Before, we would be up all hours talking about life. But now, there was so little to say. What could I say after he confessed everything to me.

"So, where shall it be? In the car or back at my place?".

My head shot over to him glaring at him as he smirked.

"Before your dirty little mind jumps to conclusions, I was talking about where you wanted to talk and in your own words 'tend to my wounds'".

Trust me for thinking he was implying sex. As much as I hated his guts, the idea of him banging me in his car was tempting. 

But I wouldn't. Not only did he hurt me, but he broke every part of me.

"Well considering you don't have a first aid kit in your car, I'd say your place. But I can't be long. I've got 7 missed calls from dad".

Elias shuddered at the mere mention of my dad. Dad never liked any boys that came near me and even though he gave Elias a hard time, he had grown to like him. Until everything happened that is.

"7 missed calls, yikes. He's terrifying" Elias mumbled out with fear evident in his eyes.

"No he's not. He's like a teddy bear" I snorted, laughing to myself at the thought of dad pouting and sulking after mum scolding him.

"A teddy bear to you, but don't you remember the time he chased me down the front drive with a hammer in his hand?".

I remembered that day like it was yesterday. Years of him chasing away boys and did the same with Elias. But it didn't stop him. He came back and earned my father's trust, only for him to break it.

"How could I ever forget" I chuckled as I looked out the window only to realise that we now parked outside his house.

I had become so lost in our old memories that I didn't realise how quick we had driven here. 

"Here we are" his gentle voice called out causing me to snap back to reality.

Nodding at him, I swiftly got out of his car with my cake and drink in my hands and walked round to the path leading up to his house. The same house I had planned to move in with him. Funny how things change.

Waiting by the front door, I watched him intently as he inserted the key with a sad smile on his face. For he had the exact same thoughts.

"Come on in" he gestured with one hand and the other on my lower back.

Stepping into his warm home, I slipped off my heels and walked further inside.


Before I could question him, Elias wrapped a huge blanket around me fluffing and fussing at it like a mother hen until he was satisfied.

"Sorry, I would have offered you some of my clothes to be more comfortable in, but I didn't want you to be cold".

Back when we were a couple, my wardrobe literally became his clothes that I had borrowed. He was the king of modesty, but he never told me what I could and couldn't wear.

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