Chapter 46: Back to it

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9 months later

"I mean no disrespect, but you're merely a little girl. Your father can't be that naive to let you take over his businesses and"-

Pulling my gun out from underneath my desk, I lifted it up and fired a single shot only centimetres away from the idiot's head.

"Let me guess, big balls, small dick. You have some nerve patronising the daughter of two mafia leaders. You see, I have been trained by the best, and if there's one thing you should already know is that I am stubborn as hell, more than my mother and father combined. And you, you pompous stuck up pig are going to sit down, shut up and listen otherwise the next bullet will fly through your fucking skull".

The pathetic excuse of a man slowly sat down, fear now present in his eyes as I placed my dad's gun down on my black desk.

"Now, I am a busy woman and I am not here to mess around. I hadn't expected to see from you again, but according to the records, it seems you screwed my dad over. Now, bless his heart, he's been a little preoccupied and has not been on his top form, but that's where I come in. You see, you may think I'm no material for this line of business, but you couldn't be more wrong. I don't miss anything and you either pay up the rest of what you owe us today or I'll shoot you dead".

The man scoffed and lent back in his chair as he looked back at his other ugly fucker standing behind him in disbelief at my words.

"Can you believe this little brat" he laughed out only to yell out as I fired a single shot in his minions arm causing him to scream out.

"I am running out of patience. Now answer this or I will take more drastic action".

"Oh, yeah like what?" he smirked, unbothered by his man being shot in the arm.

"So glad you asked because right now I have access to all your accounts, here and abroad. Now, I am aware you were a scumbag to your ex wife. You treated her like shit, blowing your money on sex workers, drugs and booze. Classy lifestyle for a self-professed classy man. I hear you abandoned your wife and daughter for money. So, I have already transferred over 1 account of millions to her and the future of your daughter, but if you do not pay up what is due, I will give all your wealth and power over to them and you'll be left with nothing".

The man became enraged at the thought of all his finances flying out the window. I may now be in charge of my father and mother's businesses and mafia, but I still maintained justice. Under my watch, I would rob the wicked of all they had and give it to the innocent people they wronged. Fuck, it made me horny seeing me go weak at the knees. Money was powerful and I loved to ruin their lives with it.

"Fuck, well if you have access, why don't you just take the money I owe you. What's the point in all this?" he yelled, his face growing red from anger.

"Because that's boring. Besides, I was raised knowing stealing is wrong. Now, are you going to pull your big boy pants up and pay me or do I give the rest of your assets to your ex wife and daughter?".

I couldn't help but smirk as he pulled out his phone and typed something in.

"There. It's transferred" he grumbled as he stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

"Michael, can you check the accounts and confirm all payment has been processed by Mr Farrington" I quickly spoke through my answer phone with my finger firmly pressed on his line.

Staring at the two men with a satisfied smirk on my face, I listen to my assistant type away on his computer before confirming payment had come through.

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