Chapter 21: Rest in peace

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"Treasure, talk to me".

Staring out the window, I dug my nails into my dress still trying to get my head around everything that had happened.

Giovanni had been trying to get me to talk, but I was completely dead inside.

I had hoped to get a straight answer and then go to the funeral, but I saw a side to Lizzie that I had never seen before.

'Be strong'.

Those words wouldn't leave my head. The look in her eyes when she stared at me made me uncomfortable. She knew something I didn't. 

I felt the car come to a halt and it only dawned on me that we had arrived at the graveyard where mum and dad were about to be buried.

"Sweetheart, look at me" Giovanni ordered as he gently grabbed my face with his fingers.

Fixing my eyes on him, I stared at him as he looked me over.

"Baby, are you alright? You've gone through something so traumatic, you don't need to be here. I don't want you to be stressed and"-

"How can you say that? You're wrong Gio, I do need to be here. This is the only place I need to be. I am not stressed, I, I, I'm just confused. Nothing is making sense. I feel lost and- it doesn't matter anyway".

I could see the hurt on his face as I turned away and stepped out of the car not wanting to think back to the memories of Lizzie's screams and her being thrown into a black car.

Looking up at the grey sky, I took a deep breath before stepping round the car and began my slow walk to the crowds that turned up to say goodbye to mum and dad.

But before I could walk away, Giovanni blocked me and pushed me back against his car.

"I wasn't meaning it like that. I am only looking out for you. Lizzie tried to harm you, it's okay to be shocked and scared. But I am here and I won't let anyone hurt you. I am going to stay with you the entire time" he whispered with no room for disagreement.

He grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers together before pulling me away from the car.

Even though we weren't exclusive or anything, it was nice to have someone comfort me when I was the one comforting everyone else. But I just couldn't get Lizzie out of my mind.

As Giovanni pulled me towards the crowds, I met the sad eyes of the guests who seemed to give us space as we walked towards the grave.

Looking at the empty burial site, I couldn't help the sharp pain in my chest knowing they'd be put there very shortly. But first we had a short service.


Turning around, I looked to see a broken man in the arms of another.

"Uncle Cal".

Pulling away from Giovanni, I crashed into Uncle Cal's arms and cried against his shirt. 

He held me tightly as he cried aloud for he had lost one of his best friends.

"I'm so sorry Sofia. They were amazing people" he cried into my shoulder as his husband rested his hand on his back.

"I-I miss them so much" my cries only getting louder as everything came crashing down on me. 

"I miss them too. Especially my chickpea" he sobbed, his body shaking uncontrollably before slowly pulling away.

As soon as he stepped back, his husband wrapped his arms protectively around him and whispered words of comfort and strength. 

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