"Where's this headed?" Killua impatiently turned around the corner to make his own coffee, still listening to his teacher from the room next over. Aya had been about to leave with his mug supposedly about to give it to Allmight. But Killua stole it from her hands and dumped out the drink in the sink, despite Aya smacking him on the head and whispering something about it being disrespectful to their guests. Killua ignored the remark and began making his own coffee.

"You're strong, Killua." Aizawa spoke from the room over. Killua just continued to pour his drink. "You're stronger than us pro heroes, I can tell." Allmight seemed shocked to hear his coworker say that, especially about himself, he even looked offended by the statement.

Killua on the other hand just made his way back to the living room, drink in hand before sitting down against the wall, far away from Allmight, but still close enough to see both of his teachers.

"The file created on you when you first showed your face here, after that underground arena had finally been shut down." Aizawa seemed extremely focused as he finished the last bit of his coffee, placing the cup on the table and locking his hands together, leaning forward to face Killua. "The file was complete nonsense. Yet you told the truth for most of it. So Killua." Aizawa paused, his eyes moving as if scanning the younger boy's posture and overall mood. "Who exactly are you?"

"Killua." He responded, raising a brow. "What, do you want me to say I'm god or some shit?" He giggled quietly to himself, drinking his coffee. Allmight seem confused as ever.

"You were admitted to an orphanage because there was no contact with anyone with your last name, and zero information on your family. But you were telling the truth. It makes no sense" as Aizawa spoke, Killua downed the rest of his coffee, standing up.

"My parents died when I was young, and my sister went missing'' Killua half lied, technically he still hasn't found Alluka so it's kind of true. "We lived on an isolated mountain so it isn't that difficult to understand zero files on my last name." The words flowed so easily, as if it was just the wholehearted truth and nothing but. "About how I got here? I was kidnapped and brought here, then again by that arena. So unless you have information on where I can find my sister, or my friends. Then that's all the information you're getting."

"What was your sisters name?" Aizawa questioned, catching Killua slightly off guard, not expecting a response like that. The silence was deafening as Killua contemplated telling Aizawa, then remembered Allmight was in the room still, and remembered how much he fucks things up.

"I'll say more if that thing leaves." Killua quickly pointed to bitchmight, catching him off guard. For the first time, Killua had sworn he saw Aizawa was about to smile, or at least laugh even in the slightest at him calling the number one hero a thing.

"Alright, you heard the man." Aizawa spoke with a sigh, making Allmights eyes widen in surprise before he stood up and began walking away. He seemed drained, like a shell of himself. Most likely ashamed. Aizawa turned his focus back to Killua when the door was heard closing. "So?"

"Her name was Alluka. Killua reached into his pocket and took out a small booklet that had been given to him by Kurapika. It was like a mini photo album of the times they all had hung out together, naturally the more recent ones had Alluka. So Killua pulled out one of the photos and showed it to Aizawa.

"When did she go missing?" Aizawa eyed the photo, it was a picture of a small picnic that had been planned by Gon. Shown in the picture was Alluka against a tree smiling as she held a bouquet of flowers she had collected. Leorio had been the one who took the photo, naturally being excluded from the image. But Kurapika was sitting on the picnic blanket with a warm smile as he was about to laugh. Whilst in the corner of the photo, Gon was attempting to teach Killua to Fish. The photo made Killua....happy. Yet it seemed to confuse his teacher.

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