Chapter 14

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[third person pov]

Maybe it was true that Shinso took a liking to the albino boy, but he wasn't going to be the one to admit it. Too many things weighed on his mind and as a result he made it into the fake city just as it hit him. He realized just what he was up against.

Whilst Shinso struggled to find a way to take down even a single robot considering his quirk isn't really matched for these sorts of things, Izuku seemed to be on the same boat. No matter where he went the enemy's were already taken down, not to mention if he were to encounter one he would be dead meat in a second flat.

Killua swiftly made his way through the city on his skateboard, every once and a while he would spot an untouched robot and tear it to shreds. But even then he never once used his nen. As though he was taunting the exam. From a far away distance, a small being grinned intently as it watched the events from below.

The boy even made a point not to use any of his assassination skills either. Meaning he fought with nothing but his bare strength and experience when it came to fighting over the years.

"Boringgg" Killua groaned, stretching it out as he took another bite from his chocolate bar. It was about his fourth one that day. Not only was he bored out of his mind, he was now running low on fuel. By fuel of course he means his sweets.

"Watch it kid!!" Shouted another examinee, then rushed past and attempted to shove Killua to the side. If they had been successful then the hunter would have been thrown off his skateboard and maybe even injured due to the flying debris left and right around the crumbling city.

But, to no one's surprise. Killua bent backwards, grabbing onto the shoulder of the examinee quite harshly and tossing them to the side, crashing into a building with ease. Sure it was against the rules to hurt other examinees. But it was either him or that jerk, who are they to blame?

Eyes quickly moved from afar, switching their gaze to the little albino as they gawked. The pure strength this kid had was unimaginable to them, not to mention they were given information stating the boy was supposedly quirkless.

"Are you trying to tell me this kid's power isn't part of some quirk?'s out of this world." A man remarked from the screening room. Their eyes reverted from Killua once more, directing to another screen showing an explosive blonde blasting himself throughout the city, taking down opponents with no second thoughts.

"That kid's got some spunk!!" The voice of a lady shouted, she threw her fist in the air as she continued to watch the exam. The clock was ticking, it was time. Almost everyone in the city froze as the ground beneath them began to shake. From the distance screams erupted as people ran away. They ran away.

Killua mentally cursed himself for not expecting this as he ran to the scene in time to see a certain brocoli boy fly through the sky and deliver a punch to the gigantic zero pointer. As soon as that was finished though he began falling at a harsh rate. He stopped himself from stepping in when he noticed that brunette girl from before. The one with the round face. Her quirk had something to do with holding things in the air or something.

She situated herself where izuku would land, and as soon as he was within her reach she slapped him. That's right, she slapped him, he hovered in the air for a moment before falling the shorter distance. Round face turned, throwing up most likely due to the overuse of her quirk.

"AND THAT'S IT!!! TIMES UP!!" Everyone stopped whatever it was they were doing, turning their attention to the speakers around the ruined city. Izuku was devastated to say the least. Killua strolled over on his skateboard before hitting the side and flipping it in the air just to catch it and place it under his arm.

"Want a chocolate bar?" ...that was all he could think of saying. But hey! It was very nice of him to offer considering he only had one left anyway! Weird looks were shot at the three in the middle of the chaos, especially at the one holding out a fucking bar of chocolate during a physical exam.

"Thank you..but I'm alright.." Izuku's saddened voice mumbled, his face planted in the concrete as he muttered incoherent words. Killua frowned, turning on his heel and beginning to walk away from the depressing sight.

"Your loss." He spoke, making his way to the exit of the fake city. That is if he can even find it. Izuku was partially healed, it would take some extra time to fully get his arm back into shape after he had shattered the bone.

As for the others you may ask? Katsuki for one was certain he had aced the exam. Shinso on the other hand was certain he had failed, the same for Izuku. Neither of them racked up a single point during the physical portion of the exam. And they were sad to say good marks on the written exam alone wouldn't get you into the top hero school in japan.


The front door opened and the little sounds of shoes being tossed to the side were heard from the kitchen. Killua wanted to complain about how boring it was at the exam, but then again it was his idea to go so he couldn't really blame it on anyone else.

"I'm back loser" he spoke as he stepped into the house, closing the door behind him and placing his skateboard against the wall. A figure turned the corner and leaned on the doorway.

"How'd it go, trouble maker?" Aya's soft voice questioned. She placed her hands on her hips, eyeing the smaller boy as he walked further into the house, his hands behind his head as a resting sort of thing.

"It was okay I guess. Kind of pathetic though." Killua whined, passing by Aya in the doorway and making his way to the kitchen. Aya looked over her shoulder to see the albino boy reaching up to a cupboard he most definitely couldn't get to.

"Need a little help shorty?" Aya taunted, walking over and opening the cupboard. The boy shot a scowl in her direction, in an instant jumping up onto the counter and reaching into the cupboard and pulling out a bag of snacks. He stuck his tongue out at Aya before hopping down and walking away in the direction of his room.

It took a moment for the older girl to realize what had just happened. She glanced at the open and now empty cupboard, then to the doorway Killua had just walked through. She took one more look back and forth before it registered in her brain and she ran after the albino.

"HEY!!- THOSE ARE MINE YOU JERK!!" She shouted, but as soon as she made it to Killua's room she slouched over in defeat. Knowing she was just going to have to buy more snacks for herself.

Because there was no way in hell she was going to attempt to take that little gremlins sweets away. That in itself was a suicide mission.

Words: 1287

Sorry for the shorter chapter!! What can I say, after a long day of kicking robot ass of course Killua would want to just chill! But i promise the next chapter will make up for this short one!

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