Chapter 20

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[Killua's pov]

Turns out Tachihara's school wasn't that far from his home, walking distance at least in my opinion. Who's to say if I put a little more speed into my step as I quote on quote 'walked' there. It was still a school day for these kids, I mean, it wasn't exactly yesterday that they had two students brutally hacked to pieces in their very own classroom.

The school grounds were silent and empty, the day had surely already commenced. I groaned as I walked past the fence surrounding the school, making my way to a door and looking for the office indoors. I hate being in a school, it reminds me of how miserable my life is.

"Hi, I am a student from UA high school" I pulled out my little student ID card and showed it to the person at the front desk "I'm working on a case for my studies and was wondering if I could ask around to some teachers here?" I questioned before sliding the car back in my pocket. The lady eyed me for a moment before nodding her head and gesturing for me to leave the office.

My eye twitched before I sighed, leaving the office. What was her problem huh? It was a simple question, she could have easily answered instead of giving me a fucking nod and shooing me off. Stupid old hag. The bell rang and students began filling the halls to make it to their next class, it was obvious how out of place I looked compared to the rest of the students In this place with their uniforms on. I paused, tapping a student on the shoulder to ask for directions.

"Hey um, do you know where the classroom number — is?" I asked softly, trying not to be loud enough to disrupt the other students making their way to class.

"Yeah, the top floor end of the hall to the right." The kid responded, immediately ignoring me again and continuing to walk through the crowded halls. I sighed, re adjusting my bag on my shoulders and finding my way to the stairs. I made sure not to bump into anyone as I walked up before turning when I made it to the top and following the rest of the directions given to me.

Either I get thrown out, or somebody cries. It's one or the other, no in between. I took a moment to prepare myself before entering the classroom. Students were in the middle of a lesson already which surprised me seeing as there were still kids making their way to class by now. Meaning if you were even a second late nobody would wait for you. I knocked on the door, gaining the attention of the teacher who paused and turned her attention to me.

"Yes?" She spoke, placing her papers back onto her front table and staring into my goddamn soul.

"Hi, I'm just here to ask a couple questions if that's alright with you?" I asked, getting strange stares from students lined around the classroom. She nodded, turning back to face her students before tapping her desk three times. The students seemed to understand and changed their focus back to the sheets of paper laid out on their desks. I shuddered, that teacher has complete control. Scary.

She faced me once more, gesturing for me to head over to the front so I complied. She sat down, taking out a stack of papers and evened them out so each line complemented the next. She skeptically looked back at me, tilting her head as if to tell me to speak already. I cleared my throat.

"Would you happen to be the same teacher who taught Ito Tachihara?" The sounds of pencils on paper, pages flipping and chairs moving ceased as all eyes were back on me at the sudden mention of the name.

"I in fact am. Is something the matter?" The teacher questioned, waving her hand to the side at her students. Making the noise continue and eyes off me once more. I internally sighed, why are children so fucking terrifying?! I have fought and killed so many creatures that would make a normal person faint. Yet here I am scared of a group of kids.

"Not exactly, I just have some questions on the case." She nodded her head. "Was Tachihara ever bullied in your classroom?" I swear I heard someone's pencil snap.

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