Chapter 22

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[first person pov]

The calming aroma of sweets was all the boy needed to jolt up from a deep slumber. Above him stood a half awake Aya, a chocolate bar in her hands seeming to be snapped in half.

"Huh, it worked" Aya shrugged, tossed the chocolate up in the air, knowing full well that Killua would jump at the chance to have a sweet this early in the goddamn morning. The night before was anything but quiet and calm. Not to mention the frustration when Aya confiscated Killuas sweets for leaving without talking to her, and for sneaking in through the window. Something about being responsible before he can act childish.

Don't get him rong, he likes Aya, she's nice and he's slowly begun to accept her as an older sibling. I mean, she's probably the best one he will ever have so he might as well take that chance. Killua finished chomping down on the sweet sensation of the chocolate before rolling over, crashing to the ground beside his bed, the bar still in his mouth and a disappointed look being shot in his direction.

"Morning loser" his voice was muffled, face still stuffed with chocolate. Aya rolled her eyes, turning on her heel and leaving the room, closing the door behind her. Killua let out a low groan before sitting up, his ruffled white hair flowing from one side of his face to the other as if trying to find somewhere it belonged. It took a moment of adjustment before he finally placed his hands on the flooring of his room, pushing himself up onto his feet.

He stumbled over to his dresser, pulling out his clothes and sliding the uniform jacket on. He finished getting ready, reaching his hands up to waver through the tangled locks. He shook his head in a swift movement, moving his hands around in an attempt to fix the horrifying sight of bed head. Looking up, glancing in the reflection of the window before shrugging and mumbling a little 'it's good enough'

Killua quickly grabbed his bag which had been hastily tossed to the side the other night, and dragged the thing out of his room to the kitchen. Despite Ayas words the first night here, saying she wouldn't make him breakfast every morning because it was a one time thing. The brunette seemed to change her mind seeing as every morning after that, Killua has been able to wake up in anticipation for whatever it is that Aya chose to make. Sometimes it's just because he's excited to see whatever nonsense she's created, that's mostly because of the couple times he's woken up and gone to the kitchen to find a sight of something so horrific. Like vegetables. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND MAKES COOKED VEGETABLES FOR BREAKFAST.......

No human, no matter what they've done, nobody deserves to wake up in the morning to the smell of cooked vegetables....ok he takes that back, there are a couple people in mind who would deserve that...specially his family. But that implies any of them wake up in the morning, and boy oh boy he's pretty sure illumi never even sleeps. When does that man have a second to breathe? Blink maybe? Jesus Christ.

This morning, the albino stumbled into the kitchen to find a simple breakfast, but one he enjoyed non the less. Just a bowl of cereal, his favourite kind of course, along with two pieces of toast, butter thinly spread from one side to the next, already melted deep into the soft yet warm bread. His place at the table was already set, Aya sitting across from his spot drinking a newly made cup of coffee. If he had to guess it was probably her third cup this morning.

Killua sat dropped his bag by the counter in the kitchen, unzipping it and pulling out his bento box before tossing it onto the counter and seeming to forget about it in a split second as he made his way to his seat just beyond the counter. He sat down, picking up his spoon for his cereal and digging in almost instantly.

"Woah there trouble maker, what's got you in such a good mood huh?" Aya took another sip of her coffee with a sigh, today she was wearing a black and white sweater, the entire bottom half was just black, but had a small crown in the corner. The hood however was split in half, one half white and the other black.

Clouded thoughts (hxh~bnha)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant