Chapter 7

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[Killua's pov]

The past few days have been hell. I barely get any breaks, it's always fight fight fight. I'm getting kinda bored. The only times where I'm not fighting I'm just teaching Sakune self defense so he can keep himself safe. I quickly found out Sakune's 'quirk' is apparently 'a soft whisper'. He can instantly calm someone's nerves with a small whisper into their ear. I saw him use it once before the rest of the kids left.

There was a kid who was crying and Sakune just picked him up gently, whispering in his ear something only he could hear before giving him a hug. The kid stopped crying and just clung onto Sakune for a while. I'm honestly not surprised that's his power in this place, he didn't seem like a fighter at first.

Before and after every fight the two of us have training together and I teach him new techniques to use against his opponents and even Amaru if things go south at times. Even just ways to minimize the damage of battles.

Today I had a match pretty early In the morning, so as soon as I woke up I went and got my outfit on, gently sliding on the mask and heading out of my room, walking up to Sakunes door. Just as I was about to knock, the door opened and Sakune stood there with a smile on his face as usual. I was able to get the guards to get him an outfit as well so he didn't have to wear some awful thing.

His outfit was simple but fashionable like mine, it was the exact same thing, the only difference being the gas mask. Whilst mine was a plain black one, his was a blood red colored mask. His fighter name was 'the whisperer'. The two of us stood at the top of the ranks in the arena after the first day we trained together.

I'm getting closer and closer to figuring out a way to get us out of here. These devices on our ankles seem to be created by someone else's power. Not just normal electronics. Sakune was quick to figure that out as we attempted to take them off carefully. It didn't end well as the two of us were caught and sent to our rooms shortly after.

Tonight is when we get the hell out of here, there's a small flaw in the braces, a small hole in the side as small as a needle. I found out from interrogating guards that it's a safety measure for if Amaru wants to take it off of someone who he now trusts. I sharpened a hair pin I got from some chick that was in the stadium and it should disarm the device if it's unlocked on Sakunes first.

No matter how much I wish I could just kill Amaru and leave Im aware thats not possible with these stupid ankle braces still on us. Sakune waved his hand in front of my face to grab my attention once again. I looked back up at him, backing away from his door as he walked out and closed it. We began walking out to the arena

"So, how was your sleep?" I asked, putting my hands in my pocket, and walking down the hall. Sakune thought for a moment before smiling wide and responding

"It was alright! A bit stressed about today's matches but that's all! What about you?" I looked ahead of us, thinking as well.

"I didn't sleep." Was all I said as we found ourselves at the double doors entering the arena.

"Dude! You need more sleep! How else are we gonna win our matches today!" The orange haired boy elbowed me as I opened the door with a small laugh at his small outburst.

Today is our first match together, it's the two of us against two other new fighters. Apparently it isn't to the death though, the other competitors say they don't want to kill children, which I respect, but they have a lot of guts thinking they will even win against us though.

Our fighter names were called as we entered the stadium, cheers erupting from around us. It's to be expected from the new undefeated fighters, it still sorta pissed me off though. Our competitors entered the arena, receiving some cheers and some insults as they walked into the ring.

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