Chapter 17

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[Killua's pov]

A couple days passed, school being boring as usual. Though after a while we heard news of a field trip to a place called the USJ. I forget what it stands for but it stands for something. But by the time any of us were able to think about it we were already forming a line for the buses while a frustrated blue haired moron shouted at some kid who was sitting on top of the bus. I was totally not that kid....not at all..

After a glare being shot my way from mister insomniac I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at that stupid stickler for the fucking rules as I hopped off the buss top and placed my hands in my pocket stepping inside. The bus ride was anything but quiet. Not to mention I had to sit beside the homeless guy, at least he let me have the window seat.

For the entirety of the ride there were small conversations being spread back and forth like a rabid disease attempting to cause a pandemic. Though I just kept my headphones on and stared out the window until the large building came into view and shouts of excitement began yelling over the music that at this point was being blasted into my goddamn ears.

We arrived and filed out of the bus after the orders from Aizawa were given. Small glances were shot my way, specifically by a spiky haired blonde boy before he realized I noticed and he whipped his head to look towards the building once more. I ignored it and decided to move on before following the rest of my classmates into the USJ.

When we entered it looked as though half of the class's eyes were sparkling, one dude in particular was sparkling himself- we don't talk about him though. The place was separated into different types of zones, such as a city, a flood zone, landslide and so on.

Pro hero thirteen showed up not long after we arrived and introduced himself, along with telling us about his facility; apparently it stood for the unforeseen simulation joint. The only reason I knew this pro was because I've been working on my technology skills and may or may not have hacked into UA information so I wouldn't be behind in class if I took a nap.....but that's besides the point.

I soon overheard the insomniac over there mention something to the space hero about All Might not being able to join us today and I mentally cheered to myself. The two finished their conversation, nodding to each other before turning back to us.

"As most of you already know, my quirk is blackhole. It has its setbacks, for instance it could be used to kill. And I'm sure some of you have a similar setback. But instead of using your powers to fight, today you will be learning how to save lives with your quirks!" Thirteen had begun going on this long rant about the last couple of days and our previous training before he moved on. But I stopped focusing as soon as I felt bloodlust fill the air around us.

I tensed and shot a glance in the direction I could feel the newfound bloodlust practically flowing from. Just ahead of us a bit farther into the giant dome there was a flattened out area with a fountain directly in the center along with what looked to be hedges in which slowly but surely a purple mist began to form in front of it all.

A head emerged from the swirl of purple, a pale hand holding on just to reveal these bloodshot eyes that shot like daggers at our class. Aizawa seemed to be the next to notice before he shouted out for everyone to get back.

"NOBODY MOVE!!" Everyone followed our teachers instructions, some whispering about how real they made villains look for this simulation as more and more things entered the center building.

"Protect the students! This is not a drill, those are real villains." Aizawa spoke and thirteen nodded, standing in front of us as some sort of protection I would suppose. The bratty boy with the hands around his form began to growl as he searched the group ahead of them.

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