Chapter 24

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[third person pov]

The two boys stood there for a moment, eyeing each other, not sure who should break the silence first, that is until Killua completely shattered it.

"KURAPIKA!!! You're here! Is Gon here?! What about Leorio?! Anyone else!?" Kurapika stumbled back, taken aback by the sudden shouting, but nevertheless he understood. Killua had been missing for a while now, of course seeing someone he knew would be exciting for him, giving him a sense of hope.

"Woah, slow your roll. Other than you I haven't seen anyone else." Kurapika spoke up, in his normal monotone voice. Killua paused for a moment before dropping to the ground and burying his face in his hands.

"But whyyyyy!!" He whined, collapsing onto his back and rolling on the concrete. "This is so unfair!!" Kurapika leaned against the wall, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Not to be rude and all, but why couldn't Gon be here instead?"

"I don't know why I'm here either to be honest, I was in the middle of something before I showed up here, this morning. I saw you a minute ago, but wasn't exactly sure if it was you, that's why I was following" Kurapika pushed himself off the wall, walking over to Killua and looking down on him. "Come on, get up, we need to get out of here."

"What's the problem man! Why do we need to g-" A shot, around a centimetre away from Killua, an indent forming in the stone beside him. Killua sighed, turning his head to look behind him, from where the shot rang from. "Oh? You wanna play bastard?" Killua didn't move, still on the ground, staring off into the empty street. "Kurapika, you up for a game of hide and seek?" Kurapika sighed, extended his arm to the smaller boy, helping him up onto his feet. "Whoever finds the bastard first wins, and the loser pays for dinner."

"I don't even have money that works in this place. How am I supposed to pay?" Killua hummed for a moment.

"You can pay with information. Anything you know about Gon, or my little sister." Kurapika nodded, though still not quite understanding why they don't just talk like normal friends instead of wagering it on whether one of them wins or loses in a game of hide and seek.

"Deal." Kurapika sighed, beginning to walk out of the alley. Killua smirked, sitting up and jumping onto his feet, sliding his hands into his pockets. Killua brought his yo-yos out of his pockets as he walked, swinging them up and down, like a small child just playing a game. What, is that not what this is? With maybe a little more violence?

It wasn't long before a second gunshot was fired, this time in Kurapikas direction. Though, the boy simply dodged. It might seem impossible to dodge a bullet mid shot. But try being a hunter, trained to use nen. Even if the shot hit, it could easily be blocked by nen. So this so-called hunter? Was being hunted.

Before a third shot was able to be fired, the perp was kicked out from its hiding place. Though, not by Killua or Kurapika. Rather by a small boy with orange hair. Killua's voice rang through the dark street as he ran towards his friend.

"Sakune!!" Killua had shouted, lunging towards the shorter boy. Completely ignoring the thug passed out by their legs, gun still in hand. Kurapika turned the corner, not exactly confused by the situation, more so that feeling of just wanting to go to bed.

Sakune smiled, Killua returning it as well. They hadn't really spoken much since they got into UA. And a while back Killua had heard a rumour going around about Sakune dropping out of the support course, that not only surprised him but also struck his curiosity. Killua slid his yo-yos back in his pockets, signing with his hands as he spoke, what. It's good practice, okay?

"Did you really drop out?" Was all he asked, there was a short pause before Sakune moved his hand only slightly, signing a quick 'Yes'. The albino thought for a moment before continuing, ignoring as Kurapika walked over to the thug out cold on the ground, grabbing the thing by the arm and slowly dragging it away. "Why did you? Did something happen?"

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