Chapter 16

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[Killua's pov]

Same as before I waited until everyone had left, except this time one person stayed behind. Katsuki sat on a small bench in the changing room with his things, he had already slipped into his hero outfit so what was the hold up?

"Hey Zoldyck." I tensed at the usage of my last name, but still stood my ground. "Those scars of yours, what exactly happened?" For Katsuki it was pretty predictable of him to actually step up about what he saw. And knowing him he had no trouble asking or even thinking whether or not it might be inappropriate to ask something like that.

"Family business is all." I sighed, giving up and just taking off my shirt to change into my outfit. It isn't much of a deal now that he's already seen it once. Katsuki hummed, standing up and heading to the door before glancing back at me, I slipped on my top and placed my gas mask on my face before locking eyes with the blonde.

"You've got a lot of strength for a quirkless kid. I noticed you were holding back during the quirk assessment. It didn't look like anyone else saw, but I for one did see you crush that grip test. What exactly are you?" Bakugo seemed to have a lot racing through his mind as he turned back to the door. I turned as well, finishing changing and grabbing the Yo-Yo I requested, slipping them into the pockets of my pants which are specially made to hold the weight of the Yo-Yos so as to not rip right through the cloth.

"What am I?" I paused, thinking for a moment before kicking my leg to the side, hitting the end of my skateboard and catching it swiftly. "I am a hunter." I concluded, walking to the door and passing right by Katsuki. "Try not to forget it" I shot him a quick wink in the split second we locked eyes.

I walked the rest of the way to the ground beta where the exam had been held. Katsuki followed suit shortly after and when we made it there with the rest of the class, bitch might explained the rules of the training exercise.

We would be split into teams by drawing lots, one team will fight against another, one side hero and other villain. The villain teams job was to hide and protect a fake bomb inside the building whilst the heros needed to either capture the weapon or apprehend the villain team with tape.

Lots were drawn, A B C and so on. And because of the uneven amount of students there was one team that had three people instead of just a group of two on each team. And it just so happens I was the unlucky winner. Just because I'm quirkless I guess that scrawny asshole thought it wouldn't be much of a difference to put me on a team of three.

I ended up on team D with Bakugo and Iida. Next thing I knew we were put into the villain category and placed against Izuku and that cheeky brunette. We were given like five minutes ish to hide the bomb and prepare for when the hero team might attack. Iida made sure the room was clear of any objects for round face to use against us. And as predicted Katsuki ran off to go fight Izuku himself, leaving me and the teacher's pet alone.

It didn't take long for the sounds of explosions to fill the building. Iida just stood by the bomb mumbling strange words and attempting to sound like a villain. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't find it the slightest bit amusing. It seemed as though the teacher's pet only just noticed Bakugo had disappeared, so he frantically attempted to get his attention through the small ear pieces we were given. A small incoherent mumble sounded through the earpiece as Katsuki cut the transceiver.

The loud sounds of explosions didn't seem like they were planning on stopping even as the quietest of footsteps made their way up the stairs of the building. I had activated En just to make sure we were alone, Iida stood back in his corner, going back to his entire villain montage as I just sat there on top of the fake bomb with my legs swinging back and fourth off of the thing like a small child.

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