Chapter 8

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[Killua's pov]

When I made it to the hospital they immediately took Sakune, not allowing me to go with him. I was a bit upset at first but I understand, they let me sit in the waiting room. It wasn't going to take long for those guys with the costumes to show up anyway. This is all that damn brute's fault, if he had listened to Amaru then Sakune wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place and we wouldn't have to be here. I could have left-..right..leaving..

I need to find my way back home, Alluka and Gon are probably worried sick about me!..and I'm worried about them. Maybe Sakune could come with me, then he doesn't need to leave and I can protect all of them. I need them all safe..they need to be safe..

My thoughts started to drift off as I sat quietly in the waiting room, the guy from the arena, the homeless looking one. Entered the hospital and broke me out of my train of thought. But he didn't speak, instead he walked calmly towards me and sat down in the seat next to me. I didn't look up, refusing to make eye contact. but he seemed to respect the fact I didn't want to interact with him as he just sat quietly.

Someone walked into the room and stepped towards us. I looked up this time, meeting eyes with someone who worked here.

"The boy is stable, but his larynx was damaged. I'm afraid he won't be able to speak for the rest of his life." The nurse informed me, glancing at the guy beside me. "You must be the father, he will need to stay overnight. Can I get both of your names?" He seemed to have been waiting for the poor girl to stop talking, I guess he's trying to be polite.

"I am not the kids legal guardian." He stood up to face the girl "pro hero Eraserhead. This kid was hurt in a fight against a villain. I'll pay for the kid and pick him up tomorrow" he showed her what looked to be a license. The nurse seemed shocked at the mention of all of that. "Oh and this kid here needs to stay by the boys side at all times. Understand?" She nodded and turned on her heel, speed walking away quickly.

"Thanks." I mumbled quietly under my breath, looking away and crossing my arms.

"What was that? The mysterious child speaks? I would have never thought" he said, his voice reeking of sarcasm, but not a harsh one like other people, more playful. I grumbled at the remark, curling up into a ball in my seat, hugging my legs close to my chest.

"I speak when I want to, don't get your hopes up." I replied harshly, the man only laughed.

"Alright problem child, this is goodbye for now, I'll be heading out." The Eraser man sighed and began to walk away. I returned the sigh before letting go of my legs and standing up to go see Sakune.

When I asked, I was given a small smile and nod. They brought me to Sakunes room and opened the door. My breath hitched when I laid eyes on the hospital bed. I took a step into the room, my pupils shaking as the door closed behind me and I made my way closer, and closer.

The mask on his face hurt to look at, but it was helping him breathe so I just sighed again, sitting down on the small bench beside the hospital bed. My breath shook as I glanced slightly to the side, seeing Sakunes hand lay limp beside him on the bed. My vision flashed, replacing Sakunes hand with another one. One oh so broken and dead, then It stopped for a moment.

My breathing pace sped up as I reached my hand out, gently picking up his hand and holding it in mine before it flashed again and I took a deep breath, holding in a quiet sob as tears bristled my eyes. He was hurt, and I couldn't help him. If only he listened. If only I'd been able to stop him. That was it, I couldn't take it. I gently let go of his hand, leaving it beside him once more before holding my head in my hands and bending over in the seat.

I kept myself up with my arms balanced on my legs as my body began to shake uncontrollably. I watched silently as a single tear fell, landing on the tiles beneath me. One after another, they fell, fell, fell. Until It was just too much and I began quietly crying to myself.

Why? Why did he need to do it? Why couldn't he just listen to me! This lasted for the entire evening and night, everytime someone entered the room my head was buried in my hands to cover the tears. They checked up on Sakune every once and a while to make sure he was alright, none of them even batted an eye at me. Which makes sense, they probably have this a lot with all the crimes around this place.

I didn't even realize the point that I passed out on the bench. It just sort of happened, and when I woke up again it was sunrise. I guess I was exhausted from crying for so long. I looked up, seeing Sakune sitting up in his bed, staring at the sunrise through the window. He looked over his shoulder and smiled kindly at me.

I didn't say anything, knowing he couldn't respond. I felt bad, the only way he could use his power was through his voice. And now he can't. And its that stupid smiling idiots fault.

Sakune turned around, sitting on his legs and facing me. I smiled and he looked at me as if awaiting for something to happen. I paused for a moment before beginning to speak.

"Did you sleep alright?" I asked quietly, he nodded softly, careful not to hurt his neck more than it already was. I smiled and chuckled slightly, he looked offended for a minute before punching me in the shoulder embarrassed.

"Sorry sorry!" I laughed, avoiding getting hit again, "are you feeling okay?" I spoke when the laughter died down. He instantly put up his hand, giving me a thumbs up.

I attempted to hold in my laughter but it didn't last long before I bursted out laughing, gaining another punch to the arm. We laughed for a while, I asked him questions and he continued to find stupid ways to respond, at least hes making the best of the situation. But our fun was cut short when the door opened to the room and the Eraser guy from before walked in with a nurse behind him.

"Are you problem children ready to leave?" He asked with a soft, welcoming voice. Sakune smiled and nodded, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and hopping off. "How about we introduce ourselves? I am Aizawa Shota, pleasure to meet you" he handed a pile of clothes to Sakune for him to change into.

"Sakune Masato." I responded for Sakune, he then smiled and ran off to the washroom to change. Shota turned and looked at me. "99." Was all I said, he looked skeptical for a moment.

"Hm, do you have an actual name?" I nodded. "Alright, you don't need to say anything if you don't want to" just as he finished speaking Sakune ran out of the washroom in his outfit, gas mask and all. I smiled slightly at the appearance of the sunshine boy.

No more words were spoken as we quietly made our way out of the hospital. In the parking lot we stopped at a small black car, the back had a bumper sticker with the words 'plus ultra' on it. I ignored it, but Sakune seemed happy to see it.

We got in the car, still no words were said. Sakune sat quietly, it was weird not hearing his voice, his overjoyed laughter, or when he would sing ever so softly to calm peoples nerves. I frowned seeing the once so bright boy silently staring out the window with a somber expression. He wanted to break the silence but he couldn't. And of course, I felt bad.

I reached my arm out, softly holding his hand. He turned, looking over his shoulder and down at our hands. When his eyes met back with mine I couldn't take it, his bright golden eyes, ones that reminded me of the sun, were full of so many emotions, he was crying. He quickly took his hand away from mine, whipping his tears away and turning back to the window. I'll just leave him be. He doesn't need me anyway. Why would he?

Words: 1485

Ive just been listening to the same playlist on shuffle over and over. I think i have a problem lol

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