70. Shared Responsibility & Blame

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"Im taking the job. The position as Co hand." Caro remarked. " oh and just so you know my girls are already claiming the title as princess I know that's not official but I'm gonna pretend it is because it's adorable and they're so excited."

"Thank you Caro. It means a lot knowing you are in my corner. You are going to be guiding me. I will admit I do sometimes need more than words I need action for my council and you stopping me from making a huge mistake showing that you weren't scared to stand up to me... I need more people who are fearless like you to help rebuild this world. Breaking the wheel together" daenerys declared.

"Wow im speechless that speech was amazing. Thats good to have in a queen. Im great at the gentle shove in the right direction and unless Varys I will tell you to your face when you are going off the deep end."

"As I said. Fearless."  Daenarys agreed. "Im glad you will be my hand."

"Best decision you ever made." Caro agreed. "now lets make you queen."


'May the Warrior give her courage. May the Smith lend strength to her sword and shield. May the Father defend her in her need." the Septon began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light her way to wisdom." Grey worn stepped forward the crown in hand

"The crown of the peaceful, passed down through generations." Grey worm spoke. ''Let the Seven bear witness: Daenarys Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." he announced putting the crown on Daenarys head.

''All hail Her Grace, Daenarys Targaryan, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

Daenarys looked around at her people. Her people her throne her crown she did it. She got everything she ever wanted. She looked to her king as he stepped forward swords dropping behind him as he made his way to the stage. She held out a hand for him and he took it.

Jon had never wanted to be king never cared for throne or a crown yet he was getting it everything he never wanted. Yet it felt so right. He looked around his family proud of him he looked at his aunt Caro, she had always been his biggest supporter. He couldn't imagine ruling in the capital without her. She had been like a mother to all of them. So standing up here Davos moved forward to crown him it all felt surreal.

'May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need." The Septon began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." Davos stepped forward the crown in hand

"The crown of the Conqueror , passed down through generations." Davos spoke as Jon breathed deeply awaiting the crown be placed on his head.

"Why does he have the conquerors crown mama?" Tumi questioned.

"I think because his name the name he was born with was Aegon. Aegon the conqueror wore that crown." Caro remarked.

"You really know your targaryen history." Tormund remarked.

"I will tell you about all my favorites." Caro mused.

''Let the Seven bear witness: Jon... Snow-" he faltered. Jon was not a snow but he wasnt claimed as anything more yet. But he was to be king. "- is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Davos announced putting the crown on Jons head. He rose up and looked to his family. Caro hooted out clapping over her head. Tumi and Tyanna smiled up at Jon.

"King Snow! king Crow!" Tormund declared.

"My family," jon remarked softly a smile on his face.

''All hail His Grace, Jon, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

''I Daenery Targaryen Stormborn, Queen of the andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

''I Jon..." Jon faltered. King Snow, King Crow. He was a Targaryen but all his life he wanted to be a Stark. Caro cleared her throat as she stepped forward climbing up onto the stage.

"As the new co hand hand of the king and queen," caro began with a wink Tyrion "- by the way we're doing that now shared responsibility and shared blame!" she point a finger down at him "how fun right?" Jon chuckled as she pulled a parchment out it was blank but no one need know that. "Your queenly grace?"

"Yes." Daenarys agreed knowingly.

"Wonderful wonderful all right in my hands I have a document. It is long overdue that Jon Snow is no longer snow considering he was never a bastard. But still he has always been amazing." Caro assured "Now Jon would you like to be officially legitimized take the name your mother Lyanna stark and Rhaegar Targaryen gave you? of Aegon Targaryen or Jon Targaryen... Or-" caro went on. " would you like the honor of being Jon Stark? The choice is up to you. you need not change it you need not decide now even but know that-"

"Jon Stark." Jon agreed tears welling in his eyes. "Jon Stark," caro nodded eagerly.

"I hereby declare Jon Stark king of the andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." Caro declared proudly. She hugged Jon tight. "I have always been so proud of you Jon. Ned and Lyanna would be too."

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