62. Is My Handsomeness Distracting?

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The Dothraki army was at the front and their swords flaming to life could be seen from the wall all of them burning to life a field fire it was beautiful and glorious empowered them. They were going to win this they had to win this. Everyone stood like statues waiting for the enemy to attack no one spoke all you could hear was the wind whipping through the air and the ragged breaths of terrified people.

'The night king is coming' Jon said to Daenerys.

'The army of the dead are already here' she told him marching away. It was time. Time to get the littles safe. 

"NO Fuck no!" Caro shouted. "Crypts? This knight king brings the dead back to life. Crypt. Corpses. Idiotic. Who thought of that? Put them on the front lines and kill that idiot." Caro demanded. 

"Mama can we play?" Tumi questioned running up to her. 

"No baby, not right now." Caro corrected kneeling in front of her. 

"Why is everyone yelling?" Tumi questioned as Rickon ran up. 

"Sorry she got away from me." Rickon remarked. 

"You and Rickon are going to play in the great hall." Caro remarked. "You have to stay in the great hall." 

"You will come soon though right?" Tumi questioned as Caro kissed her cheeks. 

"As soon as I can." Caro agreed. "Go on, go on loves, stay with Rickon... you okay Tyanna?"

"Are you sure youre okay mama?" Tyanna questioned. 

"I will be once this is over. Give me a hug."

 'You are not dying out here.' Caro demanded hugging Tormund. 

"Neither are you." Tormund agreed. "I gotta marry you, remember?" 

"I kept forgetting." Caro teased. 

"Give me something warm to hold onto." Tormund begged. He claimed her lips as dragon smoke filled the air, as screams ran out, as dothraki, wildlings and unsullied advanced on the enemy. 

"I love-"

"Say it after." Caro rasped before turning and running off. "But I love you Tormund!" She shouted back. 

"WOMAN!" Tormund called after her in anguish. 


'Open the gates! Fall back!' It was a very bleak battle one they didn't know if they could survive the Dothraki and the unsullied stood their ground as the enemy got closer everyone else fell back to protect the castle.

The archers stood up top shooting flaming arrows down at the enemy, they were getting closer to Sandor he felt the thud, the body falling into his legs, Saw the arrow sticking out of the walkers head. 

"Getting sloppy Clegane." Caro called down. 

"Yeah, yeah." Sandor grumbled, the ghost of a smile on his lips. 

'Light the trench! Light the trench!' Davos waved his torches back-and-forth alerting daenerys that now was the time to light the trench to protect the castle. But Davos continue to wave the torches but Daenerys on her dragon could not see the little flame from above.

'Like the trenches! Light the trenches!' he told the archers and they shot their flaming arrows at it but the fire fizzled out.

"Yeah we heard you the first hundred times." Caro assured him. "It's not happening. Call upon your magic redhead." 

"You call upon your magic red-"

"The red woman! Davos! Get your head out of flee bottom!" Caro demanded. "Gods, men." 

End Game// Tormund Giantsbane (3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя