27. Hey Baby

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Only the young// Rickon Stark out now!!

"So we are staying?" Tumi questioned confused as she sat in Caro's lap. 

"I need to get my home back." Caro remarked. 

"Could we come to your home too?" Tumi questioned, big eyes staring back at her. 

"Yes." Caro agreed immediately. "I would really love that. You will love winterfell." she assured. 

"We could be a family. A real family!" Tumi declared happily. 

"A family." Caro agreed as Tumi hugged her. 

MELISANDRE was looking out over the edge of the balcony when Davos approached her.

"My lady."

" Ser Davos." She answered

"Will you stay here at Castle Black?" Davos pondered.

" I will do as Jon Snow commands." The red woman corrected.

" You serve Jon Snow now?" Davos questioned.

"He's the prince that was promised."

" Forgive me, my lady, I thought that was Stannis." Davos countered skeptically. She let out a sigh as she walked away from Davos and down into the courtyard. Davos followed after her.

" What happened down there?"

"There was a battle. Stannis was defeated." She answered simply and continued to walk away, but DAVOS grabbed her arm to stop her.

" And Shireen? What happened to the princess?" Davos begged as Brienne approached them. "Lady Carolina said... some things, unsettling... things."

"I saw what happened. I saw Stannis' forces defeated in the field." Brienne remarked. Davos looked to her, he hadnt met this large woman before had he?

"My lady, I'm Ser Davos Seaworth."

" We've met before. I was Kings guard to Renly Baratheon. Before Renly was assassinated with blood magic." Brienne declared before looking to the red woman a deadly glare but the red woman was unfazed.

" That's in the past now." Davos offered

" Yes, it's in the past. It doesn't mean I forget. Or forgive. He admitted it, you know." Brienne agreed

" Who did?" Davos countered.

"Stannis. Just before I executed him." Brienne declared before she walked away, Davos stared after her. 


"They've cleaned you up nicely." Ramsay remarked as Osha came in "You know who I am?"

"A lord." she answered blandly.

"Yes. A lord. You've seen my banners?"

"The flayed man."

"Does that worry you at all?" Ramsay questioned.

"You eat them after?" Osha questioned and Ramsay chuckled staring back at her.

" No." Ramsay answered and Osha scoffed.

"Then I've seen worse." she offered.

"You served the Starks?"

"Aye. They put me in chains and put a sword at my throat, so I served them."

"The Starks have been gone for a long time, but you kept protecting Rickon." Ramsay corrected

"He'd fetch a good price to the right buyer. I served his family a long time. Didn't get no wages. Way I see it, I'm owed." Osha lied, she liked Rickon. He was a sweet boy in a bad situation.

"Be that as it may, Rickon's not yours to sell anymore. He's mine. So what use could I possibly have for you?" Ramsay corrected as he leaned back in his chair putting down the apple and blade he was using to cut it on the table beside him. He watched her gaze flicker to the blade.

"I can give you what you want." Osha declared getting closer and Ramsay smirked.

"And you're sure you know what that is?"

"Same thing men always want. And when they really want it, they give it a bath first." Osha declared as she straddled his legs.

"You're a good talker. I like that. You're a much better talker than Theon Greyjoy." Ramsay offered

"That so?" she mused kissing his neck.

"I had to work hard to get him talking. But he talked. They all do. He told me everything. All about the Stark boys, who helped them escape, and how she did it." Ramsay declared.

OSHA got up and tried to stab Ramsay with the knife, but Ramsay stabbed her in the neck first. She fell on the ground, with blood running from her neck. Bleeding out as Ramsay cleans his knife and continued to peel the apple. Before taking a bite, a wicked smile on his face. 


Just thinking about Caro had blood rushing to tormunds cock. It also had him wanting to slam his head on the desk, hoping to knock some sense into himself. He had never been good at denying himself. If Tormund wanted something, he usually took it. He liked to live his life enjoying the pleasures the world had to offer, and Carolina Stark was a hell of a pleasure the world kept offering him. But also keeping from him. 

Tormunds inability to say no to what He wanted had gotten him into trouble before, but nothing compares to how bad it would've been for the wildlings if Tormund got on his bad side by fucking Jon's aunt. 

Even if Tormund knew caro wanted it. His eyes slid closed, and he bit his lip to hold back his moan.

"Hi baby," caro coed coming up to ghost she pressed a kiss to his head giving his ears the attention they deserve before running a hand down his back winding her hand all the way to his wagging tail.

"Hey baby." Caro didn't need to turn around to know that voice. "I don't know that I like you talking like that to other men." Tormund went on as he kissed her neck. She felt his hands travel around her hips as she leaned back into him. 

Caro never chased after men but she might have sped walked towards Tormund. 

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