20. For The Watch

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"Lord Commander. It's one of the wildlings you brought back. Says he knows your Uncle Benjen. Says he's still alive." Olly remarked when he came into Jons office.

"Are you sure he's talking about Benjen?"

"Said he was First Ranger. Said he knows where to find him." Olly offered.

So Jon followed him out into the cold.

"Man says he saw your uncle at Hardhome at the last full moon." Alliser remarked calmly when he saw Jon.

"Could be lying." Jon countered.

"Could be." Alliser agreed smugly. 

"Someone find my aunt, she will want to hear this." Jon remarked. 

"Of course." 

"But what if he's lying." Jon murmured. "I would be getting her hopes up." 

"There are ways to find out." Alliser agreed.

"Where is he?" Jon demanded.

"Over there."

Caro barely held back her whimpers as waves of pleasure consumed her. When the ringing stopped, she slowly pried her hands open but left them softly on Tormunds shoulders. His grip had loosened and now cradled her face in his palm, supporting her body with a hand on her hip and his leg still between her. She licked her lips as he nipped at her collarbone pulling at her shirt. 

"I didn't fuck Edd." Caro informed him. "I want you." She was about to demand that she wanted him now when, from down in the courtyard caro heard groans and screams. 

Jon walked past a group of Brothers holding torches. He saw a sign that reads "TRAITOR" when he passed them, and turned to see he was cornered. Alliser stabbed him in the gut.

"For the Watch." Alliser sneered as Jon groaned out.

"For the Watch."

"For the Watch."

"For the Watch."

"For the Watch."

Caro ran outside, sprinting down the stairs, she couldnt be sure but it looked like Jon. 

"Jon! Jon? JON!" Caro shouted. 

Through labored wheezing breaths Jon looked to Olly as he gripped the blade.

"Olly..." Jon begged but Olly stabbed him in the heart.

"For the watch."

Caro's knees gave out as Jon fell to the ground paling in the cold. She crawled to him in tears before she was screaming and enraged. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Caro screamed out lunging at Alliser. Tormund grabbed her holding her back as she clawed at Alliser still screaming, still sobbing. The commanders cleared out as Jon's blood soaked through the snow. What once was white turned crimson red. 

"It's the Lord Commander! Help me get him inside."

Ghost howled out in agony as they got Jon to a room sealing the door closed. Caro sobbed into him as she pulled off his shirt seeing all the stabs. It made her cry harder. 

"Thorne did this." Tormund sneered. 

"How many of your brothers do you think you can trust?"

"Trust? The men in this room." Edd offered.

" Does the wolf know you? We need all the help we can get." Davos offered nodding to Ghost. Ghost moved standing beside Caro whimpering into her as she sobbed into Jon. There was a knock at the door and everyone stiffened but Caro felt deflated, as she slumped to the ground tears flooded her eyes as Ghost sat in her lap, kissing her cheek.

""Ser Davos." The red womans voice traveled to their ears. Davos opened the door quickly before locking it closed. " I saw him in the flames fighting at Winterfell." She remarked as she stared down at his body.

"I can't speak for the flames... but he's gone".

Tormund sat beside Caro as she cried out endlessly. 

"I was supposed to protect him." Caro whimpered. "I was supposed to protect..." She choked for breath as she sobbed out.


Men were shouting outside the crows bickering of what was done.

" He was our Lord Commander."

" He never should have been!"

Pounding on the door only made ghost howl louder.

"You all know why you're here. Jon Snow is dead."

"Who killed him?

"I did." Alliser remarked proudly " And Bowen Marsh and Othell Yarwyck and the other officers in this castle."


"Traitors!'' Everyone was shouting, in panic in chaos, in anguish.

"You're right!" Alliser agreed as he pounded on the table. "We've committed treason, all of us. Jon Snow was my Lord Commander. I had no love for him. That was no secret. But I never once disobeyed an order. Loyalty is the foundation on which the Night's Watch is built. And the Watch means everything to me. I have given my life, we have all given our lives to the Night's Watch. Jon Snow was going to destroy the Night's Watch. He let the wildlings through our gates as no Lord Commander has ever done before. He gave them the very land on which they reaved and raped and murdered." Alliser spat. "Lord Commander Snow did what he thought was right, I've no doubt about that. And what he thought was right would have been the end of us. He thrust a terrible choice upon us. And we made it."


" He'll have seen we didn't come." Davos remarked.

"Thorne will have made it official by now. Castle Black is his." 

"I don't care who's sitting at the high table. Jon was my friend. And those fuckers butchered him. Now we return the favor." Tormund demanded as Caro cried into him. He held her closer feeling useless to help, he couldnt bring Jon back.

"We don't have the numbers."

"We have a direwolf."

"Ghost cant fight them all." Caro corrected. 

"It's not enough." Davos agreed "I didn't know Lord Commander Snow for long, but I have to believe he wouldn't have wanted his friends to die for nothing." Davos remarked.

"If you were planning to see tomorrow, you picked the wrong room. We all die today. I say we do our best to take Thorne with us when we go." The crows shared a look they were Jons brothers, they were going to stand up for whats right.

"We need to fight, but we don't need to die. Not if we have help."

"Who is gonna help us?" Tormund countered.

"You're not the only ones who owe your lives to Jon Snow." Davos offered looking around the room. "Bolt the door. Don't let anyone in. I'll be back as soon as I can."

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