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Carolina // Tywin Lannister (2)

''Where is my father?'' Carolina put the book down on her chest and stared over at tyrion as he moved the room. He picked up the cross bow loading it.

''What are you doing with that?'' Carolina countered

''Carolina,'' tyrion warned ''where is he?''

''I really have shit luck with men dont I?''


''I mean the first husband gets killed by my now son and my second husband gets killed by my son as well... irony.'' Carolina said flatly

''Where is he?''

''You are supposed to be in a cell.''


''My niece is gone. My brother long dead. My first husband dead. My sister my nephew and im all fucking alone in this stupid fucking place!'' Carolina shouted standing up the book fell from off of her and clattered to the ground with a thud.

"I have to kill him."

''Oh my God, Tyrion!'' Carolina shouted

''I'm sorry.'' Tyrion told her

''Fuck you!''


''I was just starting to not hate him.'' Carolina told him bitterly.

''You liked him?''

''I didn't hate him,'' carolina corrected but yeah she did. She liked tywin Lannister. She covered her face with her hands

''I'm leaving. Come with me.'' Tyrion offered. ''Run with me.''

'No.' Carolina told him stiffly.

''You cant stay here. You know Cersei-"

''I never said I was going to stay.'' Carolina reminded him as she started packing

''Where will you go?''


End Game// Tormund Giantsbane (3)Where stories live. Discover now