65. Unfinished Business

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'On your own?' arya questioned riding up to Sandor.

'I was.' He remarked. But seeing Caro made him smile. Caro pulled the reigns of her horse to a stop next to him.

'Are you heading to Kings Landing?' arya asked sandor.

'I got some unfinished business.' Sandor told them.

'Me too.' arya admitted

'I don't plan on coming back' sandor added and Caro stared back at him. 

'Neither do I' she admitted, Caro looked between them curiously.

'gonna leave me to die again if I get hurt?' Sandor questioned

'Probably' arya admitted smugly riding away.

"You heading out to fight your brother?" Caro pondered. 

"Aye." Sandor agreed. "Lil bitch is-"

"Killing Cersei. Yes. I approve." Caro assured. "Arya wont die. SHes a monster. The very best kind." 

"Are you going?" Sandor questioned. 

"Gotta make sure they dont burn the castle down with you and Arya in it." Caro agreed. There was a silent moment between them. "TOrmund told me that you saved him. When you were on that walker hunt." Caro added. "Thank you for that." 

"Aye well..." 

"You act this big tough guy but you have a kind soul. You looked after Arya too. Kept her safe. Nearly died too."

"Aye... well." Sandor agreed through a heavy breath. 

"You are a good man Sandor Clegane. I hope I see you again." He watched her ride off but he knew he would never see anyone again after the capital. 


 'Think of the past 20 years, all the pain and misery because robert baratheon loved someone that didnt love him back.' Tyrion told varys

'How many others know?'

'Including us ten.' Tyrion answered. "Possibly more, Caro seems to have loose lips with secrets."

'It's no longer a secret anymore it's a handful of people that know soon everyone will know.' Varys agreed. 

'She loses the north she loses the deal.'

'He has a better claim to the throne' varys informed him

'He does not want the throne' Tyrion told him.

'it does not matter what jon snow wants.' Varys told him. 'I'm not sure it matters what he wants, because people are drawn to him Northman, free folk he is a war hero.' varys told him

'He loves our queen and she loves him dearly,' tyrion reminded him 'If they married they could rule together'

'She is his aunt' Varys reminded stubbornly. 

'That never stopped a Targaryen before.' Tyrion added.

'But Jon grew up in Winterfell it is less than common in the north. You know our queen better than I do... do you think she really wants to share the throne have her authority questioned?' varys asked 'I worry about her state of mind'

'We are advisers to the queen, worrying about her state of mind is our job,' tyrion reminded him. 'We still have to take Kings Landing maybe cersei will win, that would solve our problems.' tyrion offered.


"I'm going to miss you so much!" Caro declared. "So much. But you be good for Bran and sansa and Rickon. Right girls?" 

"We will be good." Tyanna agreed. 

"I'm going to miss girls so much." Caro repeated over and over again. 

"You dont have to go." Tumi begged as she wrapped herself around Caro's leg, holding on tight as Caro walked her chambers packing things up for the journey.

"I have to protect your daddy and my Jon." Caro reminded her. 

"But who is going to protect you?" Tumi questioned. 

"I am. Of course. Such little faith me." Tormund declared.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Caro went around kissing them. "Be back before you know it."

"Love you mama." They echoed.

 "Oh and have a rolling chair race while I'm gone. I had another made."  Caro recalled. 

"Cool! Me first!" Tumi declared jumping up. 

"No me. I'm older." Tyanna countered. 

"Good distraction." Tormund remarked. 

"Lets go before I change my mind." 


'Do you believe we are here for a reason?' Daenerys asked 'I am here to free the world from tyrants that is my destiny and I will serve it no matter what the cost.' she informed him

'It could be a fortnight for Jon and his army make it to Kings Landing... offer Cersei her life in order for her surrender, if there is a chance to avoid slaughter we should take it.' Tyrion told her.

'Speaking to your sister will not stop the slaughter but perhaps it is good that the people see that Daenerys stormborn has offered every chance at peace and that Cersei Lannister denied them that. They should know who to blame when the sky falls down upon them.'


"She's... damnit she is going to kill cersei and sandor is going to try to kill gregor and I'm scared. Tormund I'm really scared for them." Caro remarked. 

"You look out for Jon. I will find Sandor. I owe him." Tormund remarked. "He saved me. Least I can do it help."

"You know hes a proud man and he wont want help. You have to help him and just do it." Caro remarked. 

"I can be pushy." Tormund assured 

"I can find Arya... she shouldnt be too hard to find." 

"It's the mountain her pet?" Tormund countered. 

"They will probably be together which means Sandor-"

"And arya, yeah. I got them. You focus on Jon and the dragon. Why the hell didnt you tell me Jon was Targaryen! Thats bad ass. Fucking weird. I'm not calling him your grace."

"I dont think he would ever expect you to." Caro agreed. 


'I have worked under tyrants my whole life' varys told tyrion 'they always believe in destiny.'

'She was a girl that walked into the fire with three stones and came out a woman with three dragons' tyrion reminded him 'how could she not believe in destiny?'

'you think her a tyrant?' tyrion questioned.

'And there's the problem of Jon Snow' varys went on 'Perhaps it is actually a solution you know them both who do you think would make a better ruler?'

'He does not not want The throne that is why he bent the knee.' Tyrion reminded him

'He is a rightful heir and he is a man.'

'Joffrey was a man he had a cock and it didn't matter didn't make him a good king.' Tyrion recalled.

'It gives him a better claim though.' Varys said.

'At a certain point in time you fight for the person you believe in.' tyrion told him.

'Even if it is a mistake?'

'I think she will do what is right with the help of her loyal advisers' Tyrion told him.

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