59. Honor

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'When I was a child my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man that murdered my father' Daenerys told Jaime as he stood before her. The man who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat, who sat down on the iron throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor... he told me other stories as well about all the things we would do to that man once we took back the seven kingdoms and had him in our grasp.' Danny looked over Jaime Lannister. Standing before her, he didn't look too much like a king slayer right now. 'Your sister pledged to send her army north..."

'She did' Jaime answered

'I do not see an army I see a one handed, one eyed man." Dany remarked. "It appears your sister lied to me.' Danny told him.

"Hey son." Caro remarked ramming her shoulder into him as she passed. "You know your father had a similar stink eye but-" Caro purred as she leaned back against the table. "Yours is only half as good." Jaime scolded back at her. "Get it..." She smirked. 

"I got it." Jaime agreed. 

"Great, you are a bit slow... didnt want it to go over your head." Caro remarked as she took her seat. "Where is my daughter Cersei? I have not missed her but love to torment."

"I see that." Jaime agreed. 'But Cersei lied to me as well' Jaime informed her. 'She never had any intention of sending her fleet north, she now has greyjoys army and the golden company from essos. Even if we defeat the dead she will have more than enough to destroy the survivors. I swore to fight for the living and I intend to keep that promise.' Jaime told her silently pleading for his life. He looked to Caro, sure he didnt care for her and her for him but he thought she might have loved his father. That had to mean something.

'Your Grace I know my brother-' tyrion began.

'Like you knew your sister?' Danny countered.

"Sizzle, I might like her." Caro offered with a cheeky smile. 

'He came here alone why would he do that if he were not telling the truth?' Tyrion suggested his eyes glanced to Caro. He had yet to speak of her. 

'Perhaps he trusts his little brother to defend him right up until the moment he slit my throat!' Danny threatened.

"She has a good point." Caro agreed. Maybe this dragon woman was going to be useful, good for her Jon too. 

' 'We cannot trust him he attacked me my father in the streets and he-' sansa began.

'If you want me to apologize, I won't.' Jaime told them. 'we were at war, everything I did, I did for my house and my family and I would do it all again.' He informed them.

"Not helping yourself Lannister." Caro declared. 

'The things we do for love' Bran said and Jaime looked to him. The boy knew what he had done. Caro glanced to him as Rickon shifted uncomfortably beside Bran. 

'So why have you abandoned your house and family now?' Dany questioned

'Because this goes beyond loyalty, this is about survival.' Jaime told her. Brienne of tarth suddenly stood up, catching everyones attention.

'you do not know me well your Grace,' she approached 'but I know ser Jaime he is a man of honor-"

"Honor." Caro scoffed out. "Honor is stabbing a good man through the eye." Brienne offered her a pitiful look. 

 "I was his captor once but when we were both taken prisoner and the men tried to force themselves upon me ser Jaime defended me and he lost his hand because of it. without him my lady Sansa, you would not be alive,' Brienne turned to sansa. 'he armed me, an armored me and sent me to find you and bring you home because he had sworn an oath to your mother.' she told Sansa.

'You vouch for him?' sansa questioned

'I do' Brienne told her

'You would fight beside him?' Sansa questioned.

'I would.' Brienne said with all the certainty in the world

'I trust you with my life,' sansa told her, 'if you trust him with her yours then he should stay.' Sansa told them. Daenerys was not happy about this though she was the queen she should be making these decisions. Caro looked just as bitter. 

'What does the warden of the North think about this?' Dany asked Jon slightly bitter.

'We need every man we can get' Jon told her simply.

"Lady of winterfell, Carolina. What about you?" Dany questioned. 

"Jon's right." Caro admitted. "But if he lives I will gladly kill him." she offered honestly. 

'Very well' Dany agreed. Grey worm handed Jaime back his sword shoving it to his chest

'Thank you your grace' Jaime said bowing his head to her

Everyone filed out of the room heading in the separate directions except for Bran he sat staring at Jaime.

''Either you knew cersei was lying or you didn't know anything at all which makes you either a traitor or a fool!' dany snapped at Tyrion once they left. "Cersei still sits on the throne if you cannot help me take it back I will find a new hand.' Dany told Tyrion before marching away.

'I suspect one of you will be wearing this before it's over.' Tyrion said looking down to his pin.


'Her Grace wants to rectify her mistakes.'

'The queen once gave me a castle and a wife and took them both.' Bronn countered finishing his drink. He couldn't believe that Jaime ran.

'That was ser Jaime's doing when the queen wants some thing she pays in advance and gold which is waiting for you in a wagon outside.'

'So she wants to murder someone but she can't send her soldiers...' bronn questioned. 'if it's a dragon queen she's after-'

'She has other plans for the Targaryen girl.'

'Well good luck with that.'

'Our Queens brothers are unlikely to survive their northern adventures... in the event that they do she has a keen sense of poetic justice.' He held up a crossbow

'That fucking family.'

'In exchange for my service the queen made me her Hand, what would she do for the man that killed her treasonous brothers?' He gave Bronn the crossbow.


'I'm sorry for what I did to you' Jaime said after moments hesitation staring down at Bran.

'You weren't sorry then, you were protecting your family.' Bran reminded him he looked back at Jaime from the red leafed tree.

'I am not that person anymore' Jaime told him.

'You would still be that person if you hadn't pushed me out the window and I would still be Brandon Stark.' Bran told him

'You're not?' Jaime questioned

'No, I am something else now.' Bran told him.

'You're not angry with me?'

'I'm not angry at anyone anymore' bran said

'Why didn't you tell them?' Jaime question

'You won't be able to help us in this fight if I let the murder you first.' Bran assured him

'What about afterwards?'

'How do you know there is an afterwards?' Bran told him.

"I DONT HAVE WORDS STRONG ENOUGH FOR HOW ANGRY I AM." Caro shouted as she charged at Jaime. "BUT YOU HURT MY BRAN." Kick to the cock had Jaime staggering back. But a punch to the face had him on the ground unconscious.

"Hello Auntie, you hear all that?" Bran mused. 

"I always wanted to do that." 

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