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I lost track of how many people requested Tormund
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''You're a Stark. Dyeing your hair doesn't change that. You're Sansa Stark. The eldest surviving child of Ned and Catelyn Stark. Your place is in the North." Petyr reminded her.

"I can't marry him. You can't make me. He's a traitor. A murderer." Sansa declared

''You're not marrying Roose Bolton. No, you'll be marrying his son and heir, Ramsay. One day he'll be Warden of the North and..." Petyr went on


'Sansa...'' Petyr coed trying to calm her.

''No, you can't make me. I will starve myself. I will die before I have to go there." Sansa informed him taking hesitant steps back.

''I won't force you to do anything. Don't you know by now how much I care for you? Say the word and we turn the horses round, but listen to me. Listen. You've been running all your life. Terrible things happened to your family and you weep. You sit alone in a dark room, mourning their fates. You've been a bystander to tragedy from the day they executed your father. Stop being a bystander, you hear me? Stop running." Petyr told her holding onto her shoulders.  ''There's no justice in the world. Not unless we make it. You loved your family. Avenge them."


Home. Winterfell. Boltons.

Carolina growled as she stared at the Bolton army. She couldn't very well take them on her own so she kept going. To the wall. To Jon. He would be there and she would be with family. Maybe Sansa was there, Arya too, wouldnt that be great?

"Who goes there?"

"Just passing through.'' Caro spat back.

"Pretty thing you are." one of the knights declared. Now Caro knew she could take them, she had been fighting and training for years but she really didn't want to. She had grown used to the warmer temperatures of the south and she forgot how bitterly cold the north was. It was going to take some adjusting.

"Thank you but my husband was just killed and I'm not in the market for a new one. Now. Or ever."

"Who said anything about a husband... just someone to keep your cunt warm." he offered moving closer.

"No." Caro told him as she kept going.

"I wasn't asking-" he reached for her but she bent his arm back and he screamed out as she dug her thumb into his wrist, the grip on his dagger loosened as she brought a knee up to his face, she heard the break of his nose before she sent her knee into his cock and he doubled over.

"Maybe you should ask next time." Caro suggested. "Save yourself the bloodshed." Caro told him marching off. "I'm keeping this blade." she called over her shoulder as her boots trudged through the snow. Little did Caro know Sansa was at winterfell right that moment.


''I thought I might find you here. Your Aunt Lyanna." Petyr remarked coming down to the crypts.

''My father never talked about her. Sometimes I'd find him down here, lighting the candles. They say she was beautiful.'' Sansa remarked. "My Auntie Caro, she was young when it all happened but she would tell me stories about her. About all of them..."

" I saw her once. I was a boy, living with your mother's family. Lord Whent had a great tourney at Harrenhal. Everyone was there. The Mad King, your father, Robert Baratheon, and Lyanna. She was already promised to Robert. You can imagine what it was like for me, a boy from nowhere, with nothing to his name, watching these legendary men, tilting at the lists." Petyr recalled. 'The last two riders were Barristan Selmy and Rhaegar Targaryen. When Rhaegar won, everyone cheered for the prince. I remember the girls laughing when he took off his helmet and they saw that silver hair. How handsome he was. Until he rode right past his wife, Elia Martell, and all the smiles died. I've never seen so many people so quiet."

Sansa listened to him intently. She missed her aunt Caro, she had heard of Tywin's passing but no news on her Aunt. She should have stayed or had Caro come with. what was she thinking? why did she leave her in the capital, for all she knew her aunt Carolina was dead as well.

''He rode past his wife and he lay a crown of winter roses in Lyanna's lap. Blue was frost. How many tens of thousands had to die because Rhaegar chose your aunt?"

''Yes, he chose her. And then he kidnapped her and raped her." Sansa hissed

''Come. Let's speak somewhere the dead can't hear us.''


''Get your shield up." Jon demanded Olly grunted falling back

''It's too heavy.' he whined

''If it wasn't heavy, it wouldn't stop a sword. Now get it up.'' Jon demanded swinging again and again Olly fell. ''Come. Try it again. Drive at me. Keep your shield up.' Jon instructed giving him a pat. ''Or I'll ring your head like a bell.'' he mused. 

'Shouldn't you be training, too?'' Gilly asked from the sides as she stitched up some torn clothes.

''Well, I'm hardly a new recruit.'' Sam reminded her. ''How many brothers can say that they've killed a white walker?" Sam nodding looking back his brothers. ''I might be the first in history.''

''These men need a firm hand." Alliser sneered

''Always have.'' Janos agreed

''They're poachers and thieves. Not soldiers.'' Alliser remarked.

''That one hates me.'' Gilly whispered

''If Ser Alliser is chosen as the new Lord Commander..." sam looked to Alliser and Janos as they moved up the lift. ''He hates the wildlings.'' Little sam started fussing. ''All the wildlings.''

''Don't let them send us away." Gilly demanded

''It's not a sure thing. Ser Denys Mallister has commanded the Shadow Tower for 20 years and people say he's a good man. He's running against Ser Alliser-"

"Sam, don't let them send us away." Gilly spat.

''I told you. Wherever you go, I go, too.'' Sam reminded her gently.

''You can't leave. They'll execute you.'' Gilly countered

''Good, good, pivot.'' Jon said still sparing with Olly. ''Don't forget to pivot. Yah! Shield up." Olly stopped as the red woman came up behind them.

''The king wants a word.''

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