"Are you excited for the match tomorrow?" He asked, still gazing over his room.

Amelia too found herself glancing around, "Yeah. More excited to see the others though."

Draco swayed his head. "I've seen them over the summer, except Blake. Though, father does believe she's a pureblood. I think they're all staying in the same section as your guardians." He laughed out the second part of the sentence making Amelia groan.

"Of course they pick the worst section." She complained, standing up to her feet. "Come on then let's go find them."

On their way out of the Malfoy's tent, they quickly informed Narcissa of their whereabouts, she happily let them go off. With a kiss to the cheek from the mother, they were on their way.


Luckily the section where the others were staying wasn't that far from where they were - a simple five minute walk.

Throughout their journey they saw multiple wizard families, with kids as young as six prancing around the fields that went on for miles and miles.

Amelia hadn't noticed they arrived at the section until she was tackled into a hug, it was a fierce hug but very recognisable. Knowing who it was she hugged them tighter.

"Good to see you to Blake." She greeted, finally letting go. Instantly a toothy grin was on face, excited to see her friend for the first time in over a month.

"I'm so glad to see you!" Blake shrieked, hugging her once more.

Similar to Draco, Blake had grown over the summer. Her hair was now longer but was still neatly presented like it always was. She had grown taller slightly, but not loads unlike Draco.

Her skin was practically glowing so much that Amelia suspected she had started using various skin care products.

Then, Pansy had ran over towards them, instantly pulling Amelia into a hug and she offered Blake a smile.

"Wow thanks guys. I feel very welcomed here." He shouted, running to catch up with them.

Amelia smirked. "Sorry Draco. I haven't seen Blake and Pansy in what feels like years."

"Yeah!" Agreed Blake, still holding Amelia's hand in hers. "Besides Theo is over there, you can speak to him."

Amelia felt bad for not seeing Theo sat under a tree staring at him. When she finally noticed she rushed towards him.

"Hey Theo!"

"Well look at you!" He started to say, "Haven't you grown over the summer!"

Theo then proceeded to take her hand and twirl her causing Amelia to laugh.

"You've grown taller. You look more mature now." Amelia noted.

Theo rolled his eyes. "Wow thanks princess."

"Princess?" Amelia was shocked by the new nickname.

"Yeah," He shrugged, "just thought of it."

Blake, Pansy and Draco had appeared as their conversation came to a haunt. Theo quickly greeted Draco and then the group of four sat down under neath the tree.

"Where are the others?" Amelia asked.

"I'm not sure." Pansy answered, Theo also said he didn't know.

"Mother says they're in the sections further away."

"We'll have to try find them before the game tomorrow." Amelia thought out loud,

Pansy agreed. "Definitely."

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