There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do

Start from the beginning

Ruth sighed, "How wonderful! I simply must send them something." She began chattering about what exactly to send them, but Will could see Ana's face drop even though she recovered quickly. Ruth quickly drew Reggie and Louise, who had come back from their excursion, into a discussion which allowed Will to draw his wife aside.

He slipped an arm around her, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, yes," She shook her head, but she didn't complain when Will tugged her a little closer. "I just thought they would have sent a wire."

"Things were rather chaotic it sounds like," Will dropped his lips to her hair, "Sylvie was exhausted and the boys were throwing a fuss. But maybe she sent a letter instead, we'll have to see if anything has arrived when we get home." Ana nodded at that, and Will shifted so that he could tug her into his lap.

She started, "Will, what if the others see?"

"They won't," He glanced over, seeing Ruth look at him. She looked to Ana, considered her for a moment, and then back to him. A nod was all the permission he needed to press as many kisses as he could to his wife's neck as she started laughing. The sound of that was like a balm to his soul, and he couldn't help but be glad that she was laughing. For it meant she wasn't quiet and withdrawn, not with the way she was wrapping her arms around him. Will took his time kissing up her neck, first one side and then he was at her lips. He flicked his tongue across them, feeling her return his gesture. But he kept her in suspense, moving down to kiss the other side of her neck.

Ruth coughed politely, "Be sure you don't bruise her, not with the ball in a few days."

Her laugh cut off and she started under his hands. "Ball?"

"Yes, the Van Alens are holding a ball and I thought you might like to go." Ruth gave a smile, "It's been some time since you've been able to get all dressed up and see everyone."

"Yes, it has." Ana's voice was quiet, and Will clutched her a little tighter.

Ruth could clearly feel that something was wrong, and she looked to him. He could see her fumble for words for a moment, before she lightened her voice. "So, William, you had better make sure she shows up as pretty as she is now."

Will could clearly read the actual meaning behind her words. "I can think of one way to make her prettier." He could almost hear Ruth applaud as he lowered his lips back to her neck, biting and sucking until he was quite sure a small bruise would develop. Ana sighed at that, her fingers tracing their way though his hair. The train began to slow as they approached the station, and all of them set about donning coats again. Rigel was given over to Ana's care, and Will smiled to see her petting him.

The train had stopped when he felt Ruth pluck at his sleeve. "William," Her voice was quiet, although her eyes were full of concern. "I can tell something is wrong, please don't let her be alone, and call me if anything happens."

"I will Ruth," He tried to summon a confident grin, "You know I only want the best for her." She nodded, heading for her own car while the rest of them made for the carriage. the house was a welcome relief, and none of the servants mentioned anything about where they had been or what had happened.

Ana was actually smiling as she sat in the parlor, petting Rigel as she looked to her housekeeper. "Have there been any callers while I was gone, Peggy?"

Will saw Peggy pause for a moment, "No, ma'am."

"Oh," Ana's voice was much smaller. "Any mail?"

"No, ma'am." Peggy stood, clearly summoning a smile. "However I thought you might like to take Louise out tomorrow and purchase a new dress for the ball?"

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