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The doctor came and checked her.

Doctor-She is very weak. The way he beat her was ruthless. She fainted because of so much pain. I have given her the medicine. Let her rest and apply this ointment on her blows.

Taehyung nodded while staring at the ointment and then back at Yn.

Doctor- And take care of her. She must be traumatized after this incident. Talk to her nicely. Give extra care to her and make her feel special so that the fear fades away. Take her out for sometime to refresh her mind. I would suggest a daily walk but not a long time cuz it will hurt her legs.

He said and picked up his stuff.

V-Thank you doctor. Come, let me drop you to the door.

The doctor nodded. He went with the doctor and came back after some time. He saw her weak body. Tears formed in his eyes. He came to her and sat beside her. He leaned and held her hands. He caressed it with his thumb.

V- Yn-ah I am sorry. I can't protect you. I didn't become a good husband. You are my first priority. My first. I failed to protect you.

Tears fell down. He attached his forehead with the back of her hand and cried harder.

V-Sorry. But I will protect you now. I promise.

Looking in her closed eyes. He stared at her heavenly facial features. His eyes caught the dried tears. He went to the bathroom and came back with a wet cloth. He took the cloth and wiped her dry tears.

V-Don't you ever cry jagi. You look good when you smile, not cry.

Wiping off his tears.

V-I was a man who smiled very often. After you came in my life, I smiled more often. Hopefully you will help this smile of mine to be a boxy smile. I know I am mature and always smile in small. Trust me I have a boxy smile that I don't show thinking it will look weird for a mafia. Won't it?

From her big doe eyes to her high bridged yet slim nose to her fair skin and chubby cheeks that get more chubby while smiling to her plumpy yet kissable lips.

He looked at her lips with urge to kiss but he doesn't want to take advantage of her sleeping.

V-A peck won't be minded right?

He said and nodded. He came closer and pecked those plumpy lips of her. He backed off just after pecking her lips. The slight pink cheeks of his could be seen. He pressed his lips against each other trying not to smile.


He whispered.

/n-How come Taehyung blush?

His eyes wide opened. She opened her eyes.

V-You are awake already?

She nodded. She held his nape and pulled him in a kiss. She moved her lips which made him give up and he gave in the kiss.

He came out of his dream. He realized it was just a dream. He shook his head.

V-Aish! That was just a dream. Naughty Taehyung. How come she is making me dream awaken that too about her kissing me?

Utterly shocked Taehyung wondered. How come it is happening? Is the love that deep to even day dream?

V-Am I only going to dream or this will ever happen? Would she love me back? I know she is taking care of me but it doesn't means she loves me.

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