37. Christmas

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It had just turned Christmas Eve of 1975. Regulus had a fun day ahead of him. Any minute now Austin and his parents are coming to pick him up because they are going ice skating. Then later when he comes back they are having a Christmas Eve party, Mary Marlene and Lily are coming.

Regulus soon heard a knock at the door. He ran and opened it. Austin was standing with a smile on his face. "Hey Reg." Austin said. Regulus said hi back with excitement. At that moment Sirius came to the door. "Make sure he comes back at 5:00." Sirius said. Austin nodded in agreement. Sirius patted his younger brother on the back " bye Reggie." "Bye."         Regulus said.

When they arrived to the ice skating place they payed for there skates. Then they put them on. This was Regulus's first time going ice skating so he was nervous but also excited at the same time. Austin's parents stayed in the cafe bit.

Regulus watched as Austin skated while he held onto the sides. But then all of a sudden Austin grabbed Regulus's hand. "What are you doing!?" Regulus said out of shock. He took them to the middle of the ice rink. Austin let go. But some how Regulus still had his balance. "Try and skate" Austin said. Regulus did it because he trusted his friend. Surprisingly he was doing it.  Austin gave him a smile while Regulus returned the smile back. They had a really good time. They felt a bit disappointed when they had to leave.

"Bye!" Regulus said as he was waving to Austin.

When Regulus opened the door he was met by James and Sirius who where covered in flour. "What happened?" Regulus questioned. "Wel..." Sirius was starting to talk until Remus cut him off. "They said that they were experts at cooking. But it all turned out to be a disaster because they didn't read the instructions." Remus said from the kitchen. "So I ended up helping them. Anyways I think the ginger bread men are just about ready." "Reg do you want to help decorate the ginger bread men?" James said. "Sure" he said. Regulus had a fun time decorating the gingerbread men. James and Sirius went over the top with the icing.

Later on the girls and Peter arrived. That's when the Christmas Eve party started. 

Some how a conversation about quidditch came up. Lily said that she thinks Marlene is the best at quidditch. But James got offended and said he was the best. "We'll I'd say Moony is the best at quidditch." Sirius said while everybody busted into laughter.

They all had a lot of fun and made good memories.

When everyone left James and Sirius said they had a surprise for the other 3 Marauders. They gave Remus an envelope. Remus opened it and a smile grew on his face. He then handed it to Peter who looked happy. Then Peter handed the mysterious envelope to Regulus. He opened it curiously then his eyes lit up when he saw what was inside. It was tickets to see Queen in August. They all couldn't wait for summer.

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