29. Christmas part 2

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It was Christmas Eve at the Potters and it was around the afternoon. Regulus was reading a book in the guest room. He was in the middle of a chapter until the door busted open. It was James and Sirius "Get ready we're going to Diagon ally" they both said excitedly.

When they left the room Regulus got up from where he was sitting and put his book on the bed side table. Then he made his way down stairs.

He saw Remus who was already to go out. 5 minutes later...
"Boys hurry up" Mrs Potter shouted from the bottom of the stairs. What felt like ages they finally came down and were ready to go.

When they arrived Mr and Mrs Potter let them go off and do there own thing if they met back here in an hour.

They looked in lots different kinds of shops but the one they were in for the longest was Quality quidditch supplies. Regulus got a book about quidditch from there because it was in the sale.

Later on they met back up with Jame's parents. They decided to eat out for tea because it was Christmas Eve.

While at the restaurant Regulus stayed quiet because deep down he felt worried. What if his parents would show up again to collect him. He tried brushing off theses thoughts when the food arrived. He was hungry after all.

When they arrived back at the house Regulus went straight up stairs to the guest room. He sat in silence for awhile in his own thoughts until he heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" "It's just us" a voice came from the other side of the door. Regulus realised that it was Remus Sirius and James. "Come in" he said. The door opened slowly. "Hey Reg how are you" his older brother said. "Good" he said but the expression in his voice said other Wise. "Come on Reg what's wrong" James said. "I'm just scared if my parents come and take me back home again like 1st year." "Don't worry if anything like that happens we'll protect you" Sirius said reassuringly while James and Remus nodded in agreement.

Regulus felt better after that and he ended up joining them down stairs. He had a good time laughing and chatting.

He went to bed that night feeling happy.

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