25. Quidditch game

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In November the quidditch team had a big game coming up against the Slytherins.

Austin would wake Regulus up at 6:00am in the morning to come practice for the quidditch game.

James Potter was one of the chasers and he never missed a quidditch practice.

Regulus got better at quidditch every day because of practice. He was getting better at catching the golden snitch.

Regulus soon found out Barty Crouch Jr was a chaser for the Slytherin quidditch team. He was dreading playing quidditch because of that.

November 16th
Regulus woke up at 6:00 in the morning and then he changed into his quidditch gear.

He felt apprehensive about today because the quidditch game was today and he thought that he would mess something up.

While practising James pulled Regulus aside "are you ok Reg?" "You don't seem like your self" James said concerned. "I'm just feeling at bit nervous that's all."

"Don't worry I'll be there and I'm sure it will turn out all right" James said to reassure him.

Regulus instantly felt all of his fear let go and it changed to confidence.

12:45am the game had started 1:07pm Slytherin had scored a point with the Quaffle. 1:23pm Regulus had caught the Golden stitch and got the team 150 points.

1:40pm 5 more minutes until the match ended the Slytherins had 250 points but so did the Gryffindor.

Regulus saw the golden stitch flying towards him it took some time but Regulus caught it again.

All the Gryffindors cheered for there team Regulus felt relieved that the game was over. But they had it they won.

Regulus was about to fly down but then he saw hex coming towards him.

He got hit right in the head and lots his balance, fell off his broom and hit the ground hard.

Regulus's vision went blurry and then everything went black.

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