14. The map

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One morning in the great hall Regulus was eating his breakfast with the marauders. But he soon noticed that Remus was no where to be seen. "Where's Remus?" Regulus asked unsure hoping the others would know. Peter was the only who was listening because James and Sirius were showing off. "He's in the hospital wing" Peter said. "Is he ok and what happened" Regulus said. "He's a where wolf" Peter said but then he went quite. His expression on his face quickly changed. at that moment Regulus realised Peter had said d something he wasn't supposed to say.

Anyways the rest of the day went on and Regulus didn't mention what Peter had said.

Later Regulus ran into Sirius and Remus who were going to there room. They asked Regulus if he wanted to tag along because they wanted to show him something. Regulus came along with them back to there room.

Where James and Peter were waiting for them. Remus got this big piece of parchment Regulus noticed that it was the school map. "Where gonna make this into a map with all the Secret passageways" Remus said. Regulus was very impressed with Remus idea for the map he was also glad that he was going to be a part of it.

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