16. Plotting

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Regulus was in Potions class that he usually enjoyed. But this year he was in the class the Slytherins.                                                    

Regulus and his friend Austin were Partners in Potions and were in the middle of an assignment that was nearly complete.                                                                                                                                                                                           But Barty Crouch decided to start annoying them. Him and his Slytherin friends were saying the usual things like mud blood or blood traitor. That bothered Austin since he was a muggle born.

Regulus just ignored them until they mentioned something about his family. "They must be so disappointed to have a mistake in the family like you".

All of a sudden Regulus felt so flooded with rage that he snapped and he told them to shut up in front of everyone. 

Later on he was in the library he was trying to read a book while Austin was on the other side from him. He was still annoyed about what happened that he couldn't Focus properly. He shut the book so hard that it made a loud vibration on the table.

His mind was all over the place over one 1 thing. He needed something to do to get his mind of things.

Later on in the common room the Marauders were discussing pranks to do mostly on Snape. That's when he got an idea. "How about we pull a prank on Barty Crouch" Regulus said. He wanted payback for him talking trash about his family. Snape had apparently done that to Sirius before as well. So they made a list of pranks to do.

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