28. Christmas part 1

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On the last week of school Regulus and Austin were in transfigurations with the Hufflepuffs. Until all of a sudden it started started snowing outside. One of the Hufflepuffs shouted "it's snowing."
Everyone ran out of there seats to look outside the window.

"Everyone sit back down please" Professor Mcgonagall said. "Since it's snowing I will allow you to be dismissed early" she said.

The whole class cheered then they all happily walked out the class room.

"Wanna join our snowball fight" Austin asked Regulus as they were walking outside. "Yeah" he replied excitedly. They decided to do Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff.

Around 3 and half hours later it was starting to get dark so everyone decided to go back inside there the common rooms.

Later on Regulus met up with the Marauders in the great hall. "Hey Reg guess what" Sirius said Happily "What?" "We can go to James for Christmas this year" Sirius said. Regulus was happy to be invited for Christmas but he hoped that it wouldn't turn out like 1st years Christmas.

The next week they were off to the Potters for Christmas. Mrs Potter Welcomed them with a comforting hug.

Regulus had a good time outside with the Marauders because they had snowball fights and did some quidditch.

They would come inside and sit by the fire to warm them selfs up. And then around that time it was just turning tea time. After tea Regulus would get ready for bed and say good night to everybody. Then he would go to upstairs and read in the Guest room for a bit. Then he would go to bed when he got tired.

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