26. Hospital wing

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Regulus began to open his eyes slowly and weakly. When he gained full vision his surroundings we're unfamiliar.

Confused he tried to sit up but instantly a shock of pain went through his body. Regulus lay back down his head pounding with discomfort.

"Morning Mr Black how are you feeling?" A voice said. "Where am I" Regulus said weakly. "Your in the hospital wing dear" Madam Pomfrey said.

Regulus tried to recall what happened. But his memory was blank all he could remember was the quidditch game and that's it.

"You'll have to stay here and rest for today because your fall was pretty bad" "but we'll see how your doing tonight" she said. Fall? What did she mean by fall? Regulus thought to himself.

She soon told him the injuries he had gotten from the fall. he had broken his right arm and he fractured his left foot. He had also hit his head very hard and got a concussion and a couple of bruises.

Later on when Regulus was board out of his mind. But later he was told he had visitors. He could use with some Company for awhile.

The marauders all came to see how he was doing. "Your ok" Sirius said relieved. "Did we win?" Regulus questioned. "Yeah and it was all thanks to you" James said.

Later on Madam Pomfrey decided that he was well enough to go eat in the great hall. Regulus did in fact feel better and he was hungry. So he got ready and then went to the great hall with the marauders.

A few days later Regulus was in the library with Remus and they were catching up on homework and having a quiet chat. Until the worst 2 people came out of no where.

"Oh look who we have here the half blood freak and the blood traitor" Snapes Shrill voice said. Along with Barty Crouch Jr who was laughing. Remus looked instantly annoyed and fed up with them. "I want revenge for all the pranks you have done to me." Snape hissed. But then Snape whipped out his wand and sent a flying hex coming there way. But luckily Regulus had enough time to block the spell with his own wand.

Snape looked stunned and he walked off without saying a word as Barty Crouch followed him.

Remus thanked him and they acted like nothing had happened. They also didn't tell the others because they would probably wanna pull a prank that would land them all in detention.

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