Chapter 29

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•Narrator's  POV •

Ruelle waved enthusiastically to her new friend approaching as she pulled Dio in behind her.

Chantria almost squeezed the air from Ruelle's lungs in a tight bear hug and if it wasn't for the fact that she goes to the gym she would think she wasn't human.

For the sake of her sanity she hoped it wouldn't come to that. Miriam casually strolled over with an indignant expression.

She mumbled all the way from the car to the door of the restaurant but she decided to be civil with chantria for now.

"Hey I brought you something. I hope you like it. It's a token of our friendship " chantria spoke fumbling with her fingers with flustered cheeks.

"She's a bit weird so do not be surprised." Dio whispered in Ruelle's ear making her blush intensely.

"Surprised you actually showed up little sister"
Dio spoke with a grin.

"Don't patronize me" Miriam replied pulling a seat out for her girlfriend.

A few minutes into everyone talking and getting along. Miriam and her brother were bickering as usual when Dodeka shows up.

"Sorry I'm late, traffic" he spoke taking a seat beside Dio.

"MHMM" his siblings voiced in unison at his excuse.

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting I'll be out with the food in a minute" Martina chimed in before rushing behind the door again.

"She's just so breathtaking. Can't get enough of her" Dodeka swooned, seeming to be in a trance. His siblings looked at him with visible disgust while the ladies smiled in awe.

Martina strutted towards us in a loose fitting black dress with a slit on the side ,a bit of her cleavage peeking out.

One thing that stood out to Miriam was that fact that Martina wasn't wearing heels like she often would.


"You changed, may I be the first to say how gorgeous you look" Dodeka said caressing her cheek tenderly and a blush was visible on her pale cheeks.

"He's right you know, your beautiful" Chantria added and Dio nodded in agreement.

After we were all settled in and the food was presented chantria raised her glass and miriam's eyes narrowed at her.

"Cheers to new friends, a great partner and the future" she spoke and everyone raised there classes and clinked them together while saying cheers in unison.

Ruelle nudged Miriam as she pursed her lips while shooting daggers with her glare.

Chantria excused herself politely and walked to the direction of the bathroom and Miriam eyed her until she disappeared around the corner.

"Excuse me" she said to everyone at the table and walked in the same direction as her girlfriend's good friend.

She knocked on the stalls and didn't get any response so without thinking too much on it she walked through the exit and looked across the road to see someone in the same dress as chantria talking with a shady looking man in a hoodie, a bold crest on the sleeve.

The darkness of the night almost had her as blind as a bat so she resorted to using her demon eyes, watching on in suspicion.

Chantria took something from him and he touched her hair but she shoved at his chest pointing at it.

Suddenly she turned her head in Miriam's direction. Her eyes widened in sheer shock and so did the man's but miriam could only make out his growing stub facial hair.

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