Chapter 5

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•Miriam's POV•

2 years later ~~~

Regan suggested I started going to University so I can run the company with him one day. I was a fast learner so nothing was much of a big deal to me . He was still teaching me whatever he thought I should know in the meantime. There were times things were difficult but he and Martina encouraged me so I always got back on my feet. I went to all my classes and studied for my exams and on days I wasn't attending classes online I was at his company with him. I have come so far and in a way forgot about my old life but in all honesty I don't miss it. I'm glad I got an opportunity at a fresh new start here.

I locked the bathroom door behind me and started doing my business. "Yo why do you always keep locking my doors man." Regan said knocking frantically on the door. "Oh I don't know. Maybe because you never knock!" I remarked washing my hands. I hear a click and pause looking at the door with the towel over my shoulders. The door burst open and he strutted inside with no shame and a towel around his waist . He took out a tooth paste and tooth brush from the counter. "Oh you were still here?" He asked and I swung my towel at him. He ran out like he was on fire.

I'm not even joking these classes were kind of getting tedious. A yawn escaped my lips as I stretched raising my arms. "oye tienes hambre?" Martina asked and I blinked looking at her sideways. "I'm sorry I asked if you were hungry?" She repeated. "A  grilled cheese sandwich would be good thanks." She skipped off to the kitchen getting started. "Someone looks tired." Regan said all dressed in a blue suit for work fixing his Rolex watch. "I better not be wasting my money and effort on you." I was about to say something but I didn't want to seem ungrateful so I refrained from it.
He sat close to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I didn't bother fighting I had no motivation. The past 2 years I've known him I got used to him being a creepy and clingy. Overall I knew he was a good man and never went further than just simple touches though I had a feeling he wanted more but I was never worried. I guess I just felt safe with him. We were just friends and would never be anything else. A fit of giggles started near us and I brushed off Regan's arm quickly. "Perdon por la interrupción. Sorry for the interruption. Here." She said placing our food in our laps. "Oh great burn me up with the coffee." Regan said in a sarcastic tone. "No te preocupes, tu novia puede arreglar eso por ti." Martina said in Spanish. After we finish eating he looked at his watch and his eyes widened. "For a CEO you should do better." I said looking at the time. "Not my fault I'm attracted to you." He mumbled under his breath with a cough. "I'll be leaving and call me if you need anything and don't be wasting my money." He said. "You'll see. I'll probably be CEO someday and have everything in your name." I quipped with a smirk. "Oh I'd love to see that." He chuckled. "Stop flirting you two and don't you have somewhere you should be senor CEO." Martina said pushing him out the door.

The next day I was in his office putting some papers that were very important in order for a upcoming meeting he had. His personal phone rang and he answered. "Hello this is........ Mom what's wrong .......what did you just" The phone fell from his hand and I could still hear his mom calling for him. I reached for him as he slumped in his chair eyes wide and mouth gaped. "What happened?" I asked in concern. "My father he....he ....was just m-murdered."

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