Chapter-8 {Edited}

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Cat got your tongue, Baby.

"I..I slept BadiMa." I partly lied because I do not want to get her all worked up for me, "Don't worry your Baby is all good."

She shook her head still not believing my lie when BadePapa arrived in the hallway, "So all set, champion?" BadePapa asked and I grinned, saluting, "Yes, captain!"

"Take care and stay close with your friends." He advised, "Make sure that you picture all the landmarks you pass and it might be snowy too. Do not eat too much from outside else you might get a sore throat and-"

"Sujal Ji!" BadiMa halted his monologue with a meaningful sigh, "She's going for an adventurous trip. Do not make it sound like a military regime."

"But Mamta Ji-" BadePapa tried to prove his point while I couldn't stop giggling witnessing their moment.

"Bas kariye, Sujal Ji!"

["That'd be enough, Sujal!"]

"Our daughter is going out on her own for the first time and I just want to be-" He explained.

"Our daughter is smart." BadiMa contemplated. "She can take care of herself better than us."

"I know that but still she's small-"

No matter what happens, BadePapa never oppressed BadiMa, instead he supported her by showing his love and care through his gestures. For me, their story is a perfect example of love-after-marriage.

They inspire me to seek for a love that doesn't need words. Where the raw emotions of amour are expressed without any hint of malice between a couple who doesn't need anything to complete their story. Their mutual care, respect, compassion and benevolence are the roots of the tree of their love.

I had never seen such a bond between my parents that makes me greedy like no lengths. Even if I get married to someone someday, I will undoubtedly give my everything into the relationship. To make it work and bloom with each passing day. Not give up until I breathe my last because for somebody who had begged for drops of love and attention would even survive by the glimpse of an elusive oasis in the barren desert and life-long belief in a mirage.

"Baby, are you ready to go? Aakash has arrived and is waiting for us outside." Bhai said, "Papa did you call him?" He asked but BadePapa appeared clueless, making me discreetly silent. I don't remember including this in the plan and Aakash didn't even mention it when he messaged me yesterday. The frightening thoughts raced across my mind once again but somehow I recaptured myself with difficulty.

"He will drop her along with Kartik at the station." Papa informed us walking inside, "He took permission from me first. No doubt, Sushma attested for his apt upbringing." His tone was proud, "Just like the flawless son-in-law I deserved."

"Your son-in-law is flawless because your daughter is perfect, Sunil." BadePapa addressed with a focused eye contact but Papa chose to not comment on it.

It made me feel nugatory but I subsided. This wasn't the moment to beef and ruin the atmosphere.

"This is our personal affair, Sunil." BadePapa speculated, "Ruchi would have asked to him if she wanted and if she didn't then there wasn't any need for him to be here-"

"He's going to marry her, Bhaiya." He reminded gruffly, "If he doesn't know about her whereabouts then who else will? After a father it's the husband who administers a girl's life." His thoughts made me feel like some commodity who needs to be reigned under a male personification. Then be it her father, brother, spouse or son. Why do a typical mindset tag a woman as a burden? Why is she restricted to be seen as the responsibility or a duty that just needs to be settled? "And for informing, I did it." He told.

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