Why do we have to move

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"Dad why do we have to move, New York is the best thing." I said packing all my clothes into my suitcase.

"Cassidy. Stop moaning and do it, we are moving and that is it." My dad shouted from his room in out tiny apartment.

"All my friends are here, I haven't even finished one semester at school." I carried on moaning putting more stuff into my second suitcase. Dad didn't answer me back.

I walked out of the apartment building to the car, put my two suitcases and one bag into the boot and sat in the passenger seat, dad came and sat down in the drivers seat, he started the engine and we drove off, driving out of New York, road trip to a new state and new life, I love my love so much.


"What do you want to eat?" Dad said in the drive thru of McDonalds, I sat up and told him to get me a Big Mac, diet coke and two ketchup packets.

"Are you still mad that we are going to Nashville?" Dad asked when we was on the freeway, we was out of New York, I was drinking my diet coke, I was feeding the fries in dads mouth while he was driving.

"No, I just done understand why we have to go?" I asked placing more fries in his mouth.

"I got a new job," he simply stated. Is that the only explanation he can give to me?

"You could have got a job in New York, not in Nashville." Now I'm pissed, he could have got any job in New York but no instead in Nashville.


Finally, we are here, I stepped out of the car, it not as cold her than New York so that is a big positive but still.

"The house is massive, it can fit a full grown giant in it," I said when walked to the boot, we got our luggage out and walked to the front door.

When I walked inside, I turned around, it massive, I never been in a house like this, I have just been in this small apartment in New York for as long as I can remember. I can't believe this is ours. Should I just get over leaving my friends, say sorry to dad and live here. YES.

"Dad, sorry for not wanting to come, I'd like it here." I said walking into the dining room, dad getting the plates and utensils.

"It's ok Hun, I don't want you to be happy, I did this for both of us, will you just trust me from now on?" He stopped and looked at me. I nodded and walked out of the dining room.

I picked up my bag and suitcase, walked up the stairs and picked the biggest bedroom, considering that all the rooms are enormous. This one, it has white walls and a double bed, I have never had a double bed, always a single bed because my bedroom in the apartment was as small as a worm, yeah, small as.

"Dad, when do I start school?" I asked unpacking, put clothes in the wardrobe. Dad walked in and handed me the school uniform. "Is it a private school?" Quizzing the black and grey blazer and skirt.

"The company got you in, if you do good, you'll get a scholarship." He put the school clothes on my bed and walked back to the door. "You start tomorrow." He looked at me and walked out.

So I start a new school, have to wear a school uniform. Life is just great, they better not be a bunch of stuck up bitches there. I finished putting the clothes in the wardrobe. Right, I need more things, where is the nearest town.

"Dad can I go to the nearest town, can I borrow the car." I said standing next to him in his bedroom.

"Don't crash the car." He didn't look at me and just handed the keys to me.


Walmart, where the hell is it, should I just go to Target. I parked in the parking lot of the shopping duplex, I got out and walked into target, right shampoo and conditioner, makeup and accessories, that's all I need. I walked to the hair care, three girls about my age stared at me when I walked down the aisle, I looked then turned my heard to the shampoo.

"Seriously, what's so funny." I turned around to face the three girls.

"You." The girl in the middle laughed, she, not lying was the ugliest girl ever, she had about ten spots all over her face, that she tried to hide with foundation and concealer, her hair looked like a bear clawed at it for 20 minutes and her clothes look like a 2 year old would look like.

"I don't know why, I'm trying not to laugh at you." I said simply, they all stopped laughing and looked at me. "Yeah, so look in the mirror before you make judgements." I picked the shampoo up and walked to the conditioner and walked off. They better not be bitches here in Nashville.

I walked to the makeup aisle , I picked up foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, blush, eye palette and lip liners and lipsticks, I walked to the cashier check out, payed then walked back to the car.


"Dad, keys are on the table." I said when walking through the door. I walked back to my bedroom put the makeup on the pale cream colour desk and walked to the bathroom, putting the shampoo and conditioner down on the racks.

"Cassidy, I have to go to the shops for food, is Walmart near here." I heard him shout, I walked to the stairs.

" I didn't see one, I went to the shopping duplex on 23rd street on west side," I said at the top of the stairs. "Where are the towels?" I got in before he closed the door.

"In one of the boxes in the living room, you'll have to check." He said closing the door, I walked back to my room and got my phone, I walked down the stairs and into the living room, I connected the TV and play station into the wall and turned them on with Netflix.


I sorted all the things in the boxes, put the boxes in the garage. Dad walked back into the house.

"You sorted everything out. It looks nice." He said walking into the now filled up kitchen.

"Yeah, I was bored." I said following him.

"Set up the TV and play station." He said putting the food in the fridge and freezer, cupboards.

"Yeah, I was easy, do you know where my Xbox is?" I said helping him put things away.

"In my bag on the stairs, it wouldn't fit in the boxes, the kinect thing is in my suitcase." I stopped and walked to the stairs, opened the bag picked up the Xbox and walked up stairs to dads room,

" I got the kinect and walked into my room, I put it next to the TV and plugged it in.


"Dinner is ready." Dad shouted from the kitchen, I paused call of duty and walked to the kitchen, I sat at the table, dad put our food on the table, I waited for him to sit down with the drinks and we started to eat.


"Right, I'm going to bed, I have to go to school." I stood up and left dad watching friends.

So the first day in Nashville it was alright, school better be better.

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