Damn, You're Beautiful

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- So you really moved on! - I captured my information indirectly getting up from her lap to look at her sitting next to her. - Who is it?

- Nobody. - she insisted avoiding my eyes.

- It's my cousin! The two of them are already scheduled to go out together and everything, she's super into it.

My mouth opened in a rather exasperated "o" as my head went from Dahyun to Momo.

- How dare you not tell me these things? - I grabbed one of the pillows beside me and threw it towards her, hitting her hands.

- Nothing happened yet, so there's nothing to tell. - I squinted my eyes in a menacing look for a few seconds before laying back in her lap.

- I hope you tell me everything from now on, otherwise I'm going to make your life hell.

- Momo, are you going to kiss him on the first date? - I heard Chaeyoung's voice, but it didn't cross my field of vision.

- No! Of course not!

- Why "of course not"? What's the problem? - I replied playing with my own fingers on my body.

- A lady doesn't give herself away like that on the first date.

- And where is the lady? - Dahyun teased making us laugh.

- We're talking about kissing not sex, Momo.

- I know, but I think it's beautiful to preserve myself in every way on the first date.

- You know you're only going to stoke him even more for the second one, don't you?

- Can you change the subject, please? I don't remember ever agreeing to be the target of these insinuations.

Momo jumped to her feet in one motion, making my head fall hard against the couch cushion. I snorted trying to pull her back, but she was faster dodging and disappearing into the kitchen where I deduced to be where the others were.

I closed my eyes, emptying my breasts, making the most of this quiet moment I was given. I could hear the whispers of the three of them in the next room and soon they would all be back, so every second of rest was sacred, because I didn't know when the next one would come. I focused as hard as I could on relaxing every part of my body, finally feeling the heaviness of previous activities and even the hangover echoing through my head. It was only then that I felt my legs complain slightly at some points, the thigh mainly showing the discomfort that was the sandal I had on my feet.

The moment followed for what seemed like long minutes and my mind began to succumb to the lull getting lost in a wake of sleep, which was soon interrupted by an incredibly strong thud over my body. I opened my eyes only to see the face that I admire so much snuggling up to mine quickly making our lips also collide. My arm that went behind my head came down to meet hers, supporting her gingerly behind her hair. Our lips finally parted and her breath hit my skin making me shiver.

- What was this? - I whispered still with my eyes closed feeling her closeness maintained.

- I kind of missed you. - She said in a somewhat sincere way that made me even open my eyes to make sure I wasn't imagining all that. Her lips lowered to mine again, this time a little less time consuming.

- We were in each other's face early on, how can you still miss me?

- I expected you to answer me that.

I smiled at how silly she was with her sudden expression of thoughts, that incalculable way of hers was still going to end up killing me one day. Her weight was released all over me as she allowed herself to relax and again we kissed, this time with a very calm start. A wave of small shocks circulated under my skin, from my feet to my head, it was incredible the power she could exert over me with things as simple and banal as a kiss that involved nothing more than the touch of our lips. Perhaps she was getting too good at this, since our first kiss, she shows some amazing touch ability, and this was also her first kiss in her life. I've kissed people with years of experience who didn't even arouse the desire to reciprocate a peck.

Requiem - Michaeng [ENG]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat