1. Lost in the Crowd

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I snuck through the city, ball cap pulled low over my eyes. A cautionary glance over my shoulder revealed that I wasn't being followed. Regardless of how short-lived this freedom would be, for a moment I still had it. It was easy to get lost among the crowd as it was the Monaco Grand Prix and everyone was distracted with thoughts of the race. A man swore at me as I bumped into him and I smiled to myself. No one recognized me.

I made my way to the track and showed my ticket for general admission. Letting myself get swept along with the crowd, I wandered to all the places I had never been allowed to go on my previous race experiences. Head up, looking at all the people and banners, I didn't realize where I was until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You can't be back here." A security guard kept a firm hand on my arm. "You don't have a pass."

My eyes widened when I realized I had stumbled upon the paddock. "I'm so sorry. There's so much going on, I just got caught up in it all. I've never seen the race like this before with everyone and it's overwhelming but in a way I can't even describe. I'm not even doing anything today and my adrenaline is going. Opps, I'm sorry, I'm rambling."

The guard's gaze softened. "My daughter felt the same way when I brought her to her first race. You're probably about her age."

I smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry about wandering over here. I'll leave."

He hesitated for a moment. "You got to the track so late all the good seats have been taken and you're about my daughter's age. Would you like to sit with her?"

I lit up. "Are you sure? That would be amazing!"

His smiled widened. "Of course, I'll take you there. But you don't have a pass so you have to stay low profile and if you leave I probably won't be able to get you back there."

"No one will even know I'm there." I mimed zipping my lips.

He guided me out of the paddock and along the edge of the crowd. "I'm James and my daughter is Ines."

"Kat" I said quickly.

"I'm sure Ines will be thrilled to have company for the race since I can't watch with her," James said as he ushered me towards the some seats closer to the starting line.

"Dad!" A young woman stood up and hugged James. "I was hopping you'd come and visit."

He hugged her back tightly. "I have to hurry back but I brought you a friend. This is Kat, I found her wandering around and I thought she could have my seat since I have to stay at the paddock."

I smiled at Ines. "It's so nice to meet you."

She returned the smile. "Same to you."

James waited until we were settled before heading back.

"This is incredible. Thank you so much."

  "Of course, the seat was empty and you must have made an impression on my dad."

  "I think I threw him off with how much I rambled when he found me, this is my first race like this and it's all just so crazy."

    Ines laughed. "Sounds like me at my first race. It's a lot but it's so much fun."

    I nodded. "There's just nothing like it."

    She was quickly catching my level of enthusiasm as we continued to chat before the race. We soon discovered that although she was twenty-three, a year younger than me, we had both spent time studying philosophy in university. Before the race started we exchanged numbers so that we could stay in touch and get together for the next race. Talking to her was so easy. She didn't feel obligated to talk to me or be nice to me, it was refreshing.

    The drivers lined up. This was it. It was lights out and away they went. The cars started blurring in the distance as they turned the bend. I was on the edge of my seat as Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc battled it out. One would take P1 but the other would take it back just as quickly.

    I fidgeted, cracking my knuckles nervously. "This is so close!"

    Ines nodded in agreement. "I haven't seen a race like this in a while."

    "Shit!" I swore as Lando Norris and George Russell crashed into each other.

    "I don't know how they do it, it's nerve-wracking. Their families must always be so on edge." Ines grabbed my hand tightly.

   We barely breathed the rest of the race as we held tightly to each other. As Charles Leclerc crossed the finish line, we jumped up, hugging and screaming. A Monegasque winning in Monaco, a perfect finish. Carlos Sainz came in third, giving Ferrari two podiums. Max Verstappen gave Red Bull a 2nd place finish.

 James walked over interrupting our celebration. "How was it for you girls?"

    "It was incredible! Thank you so much!" Ines and I quickly hugged him.

    "Why don't you both come over to the paddock and you can see the aftermath of the race."

    We gathered our things and followed James. The place was buzzing. The Ferrari team was rushing around for the podium and then the team celebration. Ines and I practically skipped as we walked with James.

    James laughed and shook his head at mine and his daughter's antics. "I think I might have unleashed a force the world is not ready for when I introduced you two."

Ines giggled as she lifted our hands and spun me underneath. Tripping on my own feet, I stumbled backwards. I froze as strong arms wrapped around me, catching me before I fell.

"You must be a good dancer," I said breathlessly as my savior held me in a dip.

He looked down at me, our faces a hairsbreadth apart. "Only if I have the right partner."

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