Wukong locked his grip with Macaque's as they struggled against one another in irritation and growing anger, "No I'm not!"

A scoff escaped the darker toned simian, "It sure sounds like it! You didn't even bat an eye when my son was mentioned, because you were prepared to give him up for the greater good!" He hissed out, striking his staff only inches from the Monkey King's head, "And this so called Vacation? No instructions? No warning to your beloved successor? No training regime? You left him with nothing but his wits!!"

Wukong peered up at the wrathful simian above him, his concern and worry for his own safety started to manifest as he felt his strength waning by the second. He was losing.

"Mr. Macaque—!" MK tried to intervene but Pigsy held him back with a firm grip, "Pigsy?"

The pig demon crossed his arms with a irritated glare of his own, "No. I'd like to hear an answer to those questions that Mr. Macaque over there kindly asked rightfully."

Tang and Sandy looked on in worry to see what would transition, and can only hope that it wouldn't end violently.

"That's right, Monkey King, Great Sage equal to Heaven...! He almost spat the title with utter venom dripping from his tone, "What could've been so important on this vacation that you left MK to fight everything by himself! The kid has trauma!"

Wukong couldn't see a way out of this with just words, because he knew he screwed up.


The darker toned simian froze in his spot and the two simains on deck turned at the same time to see Jinhua standing in the front of the group with a tired expression. Mei was at her side, holding her arm in case she needed assistance, "Release him."

Macaque whipped his head to Wukong with an almost infuriated look. But he released him nonetheless and teleported to Jinhua's other side, "I'm sorry, my love... I acted on my anger and was blinded by my past's grudge." He grabbed hold of her icy tipped hands gently and gave a small squeeze.

Jinhua smiled weakly at his concern and glanced over at the simian that looked at the scene in a daze, "Wukong... I believe it is time for you to explain yourself. Truthfully this time."

Wukong and Jinhua stared at the other's expression giving nothing away nor lose they're composures. But they both knew what was to be discussed afterwards.

It was time for the truth to unravel.

"Alright, alright..." Wukong looked down at his hands trying distract himself, "I was never on vacation... During the battle with Spider Queen. I found out Lady Bone Demon was back, she's baaad news... I needed something to fight her, something sooo powerful even she wouldn't be able to win..." His eyes gleamed in determination, "A weapon."

Jinhua narrowed her eyes, and trailed them down to MK, letting him decide what to do.

The young simian let out a sigh as he processed the truth of his mentor's disappearance, "A weapon, huh? Ey, if you think this will defeat Lady Bone Demon... Let's go find it." He smiled.

Wukong felt his eye twitch, "What? NO—! Your not going—I'm going!!" He held a hand to his chest.

"Alright nooow your just being a hypocrite. Heard anything about 'facing your consequences'?" Macaque felt his hackles raise, his patience with this man was growing all the more thin by the second.

MK and the group turned to Jinhua as they knew she was the voice of reason and she had the final say to this matter.

Jinhua kept her gaze steady as she spoke, "It's time you stop working alone and start aiding help when it's given, Wukong. You don't have a choice in this matter... Your barely moving from where you stand." Her eyes then sparked a fiery gold, "So I need you to suck it up butter cup and accept this offer without resistance." With that Jinhua turned to leave and head inside the Hovercraft's cabin lodging.

Wukong stared after her figure for a moment, that is until Macaque invaded his view and gave the ginger simian a warning look before following his beloved inside. Releasing a sigh, Wukong scratched the back of his head, "I guess I don't have a choice when Jinhua says something to the matter... Fine.. You can come along..."

The whole group cheered, except for MK and Mei who kept to themselves and stared at the back of Wukong.

The latter stared off at the distant and gave a slight smirk at the familiar deja vu feeling that reminded him of the good ol days, "It'll be really, really dangerous..!

Pigsy peeked out from behind Sandy all excited, "So where we headed?"

Wukong replied by summoning a scroll that looked torn up from a recent battle and tossed it to MK who opened it up with a straight face. Though even he couldn't help the sparkle in his eyes as he gazed down upon the ancient looking drawings on the map.

Wukong looked back to the falling sun, "Well I guess we're going on a journey..."

"A Journey to the West."

Letting the rest of the group stare down at the map, the ginger simian made his way into the cabin to see Jinhua and Macaque waiting for him.

Jinhua sat in a bamboo rocking chair with her legs crossed over femininely. Her face resting in the palm of her hand lazily, "Wukong."

The simian gave her a nod in greeting, "Jinhua." His gaze them shifted uncomfortably to the other brother in arms, "Macaque..."

The simian in question was crisscrossed on the armrest of a couch with his arms crossed. His glare unrelenting from his hidden anger that wasn't so hidden, "Wukong..." He seethed lowly.

Wukong took a moment to kneel down on his knees and looked down on the ground. His face hidden as he hung his head in shame, "I'm sorry..." He leaned forward and placed his forehead on the ground before Jinhua.

Jinhua immediately felt her gut bristle at his apology, "Your sorry...?"


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