Chapter 14- Wedding night flop.

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   " How far with your team. Found anything?" Zayn inquired eagerly.

   " No. Nothing yet, we're still working on it." Eskander repeated the answer he had given to Fareed, with the same feeling of disappointment.

   Zayn heaved a tired sigh. When will his life get better? Just when he thought everything was about to fall in place, some random person had to show up and mess his life again.

  " Zayn,I think Hassan has a hand in this. Judging from what had happened between him and Mariya,he should have a reason to get rid of her. She holds one of his biggest secrets." Eskander reasoned, judging from their past history, which Zayn had told him about.

  " No. I confronted him and had him confess everything in a chokehold. He denied any knowledge of the incident. You know that coward." Zayn snickered,then recounted his recent meeting with Hassan.

   He nodded in understanding to Zayn's narration even though he knew Zayn couldn't see him.

  " We'll keep doing our best and Inshaa Allah, we'll find her." Eskander ended the call and shifted his attention back to the MacBook sitting on a desk in front of him. Its screen displayed various sections of a CCTV footage. He studied them all carefully for any loopholes.


" Uh...Sa... Sa'eed?" Mariya stammered,in an attempt to regain her composure. it wasn't much of a surprise to know that Sa'eed is the mastermind behind this conspiracy because she had suspected it right before the incident unfolded. Judging from the way he spoke to her at first,she could only arrive at a conclusion that he was Zayn's friend. She had made a mistake.

   Now she gets what he meant by ' see you in a while '

   " Yes,Mariya." He smirked, stepping into the office,then holding her by the arm,he pulled her into the office by force and locked the door behind him.
He wondered where the guy he had assigned her to was. He made a mental note to deal with him later for not being on watch.

   Heck,the woman almost escaped. For now,he will just deal with Mariya.

     His soul almost left his body when he saw the guard's unconscious body, lying right beside his feet, blood oozing out of his head.

   " Shit!" He cussed, raising his gaze to meet Mariya's,his eyes widened in horror.

  He had underestimated the woman.

    Slowly, a smirk made its way onto Mariya's face, seeing the results of her actions to someone who's holding her captive.

   Only God knows what he wants.

Although, Sa'eed having a mini heart attack at the moment isn't enough punishment for holding her captive.

   " Caught you off guard, didn't I? Thought I would play 'damsel in distress' ?" She teased.

   "Shut up!" He yelled at her ,then fished out his phone from his pocket, dialed a contact and brought up the phone near his ears, waiting for the call to get connected.

    He then crouched low and placed two of his fingers to the nape of the neck of the unconscious guard, checking his pulse in the process. The man was still breathing so it would be great if he's attended to as soon as possible.

   " Come upstairs right now! Bring the other guy with you." He ordered into the phone as soon it got connected and then hanged up right after getting a reply.

   " Sa'eed,let me go. I want to go home!" Mariya ordered,her frail voice betraying the stern expression she had strived to put up.

  " Sit down!" He countered in a commanding voice, walking up to her. He  stood so close to her,she thought he would do something malicious to her.
He looked down at her with his angry and intimidating gaze.

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