You can't escape

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Oliver's: POV

I've been in this basement for two days now. Maybe the phone can help me. I picked up the phone and I heard voices. I turned around and saw five boys. They were bloody and they looked coldly at me.

"Who are you?" I asked. "We're the boys Scott killed." said Alex. I gasped. "You can't escape." replied Enzo. The door opened and I froze. "Goodbye." they said and disappeared. "Good morning Oliver." said Scott. "Please, don't hurt me." I begged. "You're so pretty." he replied and began touching me. "You're a sick monster." I said. He took off my clothes and I screamed when he forced himself into me. He drugged me and I passed out.


Adam's: POV

My phone rang and it was Nadine. She told me that Oliver was at the hospital. He had been badly abused. I dropped my phone and the time stood still. Tears were streaming down my face and I was breathing heavily. I couldn't move or speak.

"Adam." said Jack gently. "Oliver is seriously injured and he may not survive." I replied and my voice broke. Jack gasped. "I need to be there." I said. "Be careful." replied Jack. "I promise." I said. I got into the car and drove off to the hospital.

 I got into the car and drove off to the hospital

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I feel for Adam

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