50 10 17

I was feeling kinda sleepy while listening to the songs , so I kept my head down on the desk as I gazed at Taehyung's side profile. I was staring at him for a long time which made him look at me.

A blush appeared on my face, as I shyly smiled at him before looking away, I could feel him giggle. "What?" I muttered as I gazed at him, he shrugged his shoulders as he giggled.My hair was on my face as His hand came close to my face, what is he trying to do? My heart could not stop beating fast. His fingers took my hair and he tugged my hair behind my ears.

Okay calm down my heart it is nothing just nothing okay, he will remove his hand soon, well that is what I thought, but his hand was still on my head, he rested his head on the other table as he kept looking at me. His hand was slowly caressing my hair. I felt relaxed when he did this to me. Our eyes were locked with each other.


-jimin's point of view-

"Huff the debate was really a great one" Josh spoke, making us look at him. "Yeah it was, but it was fun also" I smiled, as the others nodded. Josh, Noah , Liam , James and I were going to class after keeping all the name tags in the staffroom.

We were all talking while going to the classroom. As soon as we reached the classroom Josh and Noah stopped talking suddenly as their eyes widened and jaws dropped on the floor. "What is wrong?" I and James ,both of us, asked them, as Josh pointed at the classroom door. Making us look at the door.

Oh my god!!! The scene which I saw made me blank. Taehyung's hands were on Y/n's head , caressing her hair. What is going on?? I , Liam , Noah , Josh and James looked at each other, with our eyes widen


"Okay so I knew something was going on between the two of them" Noah said, as I looked at him I knew it since a long time actually , Tae used to always ask me about Y/n, whenever he was absent and same with Y/n. I almost caught them texting each other late at night.

Taehyung or Y/n never fails to bring each other's name in a conversation we have. I did ask Taehyung but he just giggled nervously and said that they are just friends. "Jimin, you are Taehyung's best friend right? So what did he say about Y/n?" Josh asked , as the others looked at me. "Yeah he said that both of them are just friends nothing more or less" I shrugged my shoulders.

"But their action speaks the other way, I feel like he likes her and so does she but they don't know" Noah said. Well he does have a point, their action speaks louder than their words. I feel like everyone knows that he likes her and she likes him. "They look a little too long to be 'just friends'" James said. As we all nodded.

"I forgot to tell you all something" James added , as we gazed at him "what ?" I raised my eyebrows. "You all remember when Y/n was hit by Dak-ho, Y/n went outside and after Taehyung shouted at Dak-ho he also left the classroom and went to her. I was going to the bathroom when I saw both of them sitting, Y/n's head was on Taehyung's shoulders, they were looking like a couple" Oh right Taehyung left , but he did not utter anything to me like where he was or who was he with.

Even I caught them, the day when I told Taehyung I was busy with my homework so I could not join him for the basketball practice match , after I completed my work, mom asked me to go to the market to get some fruits. As I was walking through the path near the basketball court, I saw that Taehyung gave Y/n his hoodie as she was feeling cold. I did feel that something was going on between them, but I did not ask Taehyung anything because I thought he was being kind and just giving Y/n his hoodie because she felt cold.

But after seeing the things which happened today, I am sure that he is hiding something from me . I need to talk with Taehyung and that too today itself.

I gazed outside the door just to see Taehyung playing with Y/n's hair.

-Jimin point of view ended-

˖ ࣪𓂃 ✧ 테디 ! ᐢ • ˕ • ᐢ ✧𓂃 ˖ ࣪
Author note 💌: you have a pretty smile keep on smiling
the story will be updated EVERYDAY from now onwards!
˖ ࣪𓂃 ✧ 테디 ! ᐢ • ˕ • ᐢ ✧𓂃 ˖

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