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At 3:30 PM

Our classes are finished for the day. All of us were waiting for Josh to come back from the washroom so that we all could get to the subway station. "Let's go!" Josh said as he entered the classroom. "Finally you are here, now let's get going, " Dak-Ho said. Oh I forgot to mention that I asked Dak-Ho if he wanted to tag alone and he said yes.

So that is why he is also coming with us. "Yes let's go, it will be fun" Jimin said "Yes" I gazed at Jimin. We all walked out of our college and made our way to the subway station. "Jimin, did you understand the things which were taught in math?" I gazed at him. "Yes I did, why did you not understand ?" He raised his eyebrows. "I did understand.. I just wanted to talk, which is why I asked, " I muttered as I looked down. I would feel Jimin looking at me , smiling.

"Okay I understand," Jimin muttered. "Do you remember our online math competition which we won?" He asked. "Oh yeah I remember, how can I forget ? We both were late night practicing for that competition. We thought that we would lose because the questions were really difficult" I said "But we ended up winning it, with the best scores compared to the other colleges" Jimin said, I smiled at him. "It was really fun" I muttered as Jimin agreed with me.

"What are you two talking about?" Dak-Ho gazed at me through his shoulders. "About the math competition which happened last year" I told him. "Oh, but mind stop talking now about math or anything else related to college as we are out of the college and we are here to have fun not get bored by talking about college stuff" Dak-Ho said.

"Yeah sure" I said. After a few minutes of walking silently we finally reached the subway station , we all took out the ticket. And waited for the train to come, later on the train came as we all entered the train and took our seats. The boys were talking about gym and stuff like that- especially Dak-Ho. Whereas I was sitting silently, with my headphones around my neck. "Y/n is this the station we need to get off on?" Noah asked me. "Nope , the station after this" I said as he nodded his head.

After 15 minutes

We finally reached Sinchon, we are now heading to this place called the g-plex which is 2 minutes away from the station.

"Finally we are here" Jimin muttered "Yeah i feel like it was more than a 2 minute walk" Josh added. "yes" Noah said "Let's just go inside" I said as they nodded their heads. We all walked inside the G-plex, and just played games for the next three hours .


6:35 PM

We left the G-plex and went to a karaoke. Over there we all sang our hearts out. While I was singing 'Celebrity' by IU , I could feel Dak-Ho's eyes were on me. I could feel my heartbeat fasten.

After I was done singing I handed the mic to Jimin, Jimin sang 'stuck with you'. Okay , Jimin's voice was really very good, and soft. I would love to listen to him sing every time.

After Jimin , Dak-Ho sang 'Steal my girl' by one direction. Okay this was a bit weird but Dak-Ho was continuously gazing at me while singing the song. After that he even sang 'girls like you'. It was a bit weird because he was staring at me. I shrugged off those weird thoughts.

We stayed at the Karaoke for about 2 hours.

8:35 PM

We all left the Karaoke, and walked to a restaurant to have our dinner. We gave our orders and waited for the food to come. I was really grateful to all of them for coming with me for dinner so that I could not feel lonely ,some of them even lied to their parents because they wanted to spend their time with me and have dinner with me.

They really made me feel special after having dinner. They bid goodbyes with me. "Thank you for coming, Jimin " I said to Jimin. " you're most welcome, I came here just so you feel that you have us as your back and whenever you need me, or any of us, we will always be there for you," Jimin smiled. "Thank you, that is really sweet of you" I smiled at him. "Okay now I will get going, it is late" Jimin said as I nodded.

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Author note 💌: I am lucky to have you in my life

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