"Baby, go back to drawing. We can talk about Ryomen Sukuna later, okay?" Hikari suggested, forcing (Y/n) to tear her eyes away from the cursed object.
"Okay, mama." She mumbled meekly as she picked up a purple crayon and pulled her unfinished drawing closer to her. As she began drawing, Sanguru entered the room with a bow.
"My lady." He greeted his elder sister with respect, despite her telling him that he didn't need to bow to her.

"You may speak freely, brother." Hikari told him, motioning over to the other chair in the room. However, Sanguru did not sit which seemed to suggest that this was a serious matter to him.
"I fear for our safety, sister." He replied seriously, making Hikari's brows furrow. Her eyes flickered to (Y/n), seeing that she was preoccupied with her drawings to feek the tension that Sanguru brought into the room with him.

"What do you mean?" Hikari asked in a hushed tone, her face now also contorting into a look of seriousness to match that of her brothers.
"The higher ups have called a meeting." Sanguru began, confusing Hikari instantly as her eyes flickered over to her schedule that was written down on a chalk board on the opposite wall.
"A meeting? When? I was not informed." The lady asked baffledly.

"That's exactly it. They informed every clan but our own." Sanguru pointed out, making Hikari bite her inner cheek.
"And you think they are plotting something?" Hikari guessed, making Sanguru sigh. They both knew the higher ups shouldn't be trusted, it was information that had been passed down from generation to generation. They had never seen eye to eye with the (L/n) clan.

"I wouldn't put it past them. They've always loathed our clan. They fear our power." Sanguru said bitterly.
"They wouldn't be foolish enough to make a move against us- not with so many of us having perfected our domain expansion. I even suspect (Y/n) will inherit our forbidden techniques." Hikari explained to her brother, making his brow raise with curiosity.

"Is that so?" He asked with interest, looking over at (Y/n) who was attempting to understand their conversation as she drew her pictures.
"She cut her finger yesterday and created a small curse from the droplet as she cried. The curse transformed back into her blood the moment her cried ceased, but that was a big start for a child of her age." (Y/n)'s mother spoke proudly with a smile.

"Wow. That's truly incredible. It took you almost two decades to create a curse from your own blood." Sanguru mumbled with awe, looking back at Hikari briefly as he spoke. She nodded with pride, nothing making her happier than having her daughter be the new gem of the (L/n) clan. She couldn't wait to teach her their ultimate move- the one that was no their domain explansion...the move that only Hikari herself was currently able to do.

"Do not worry, brother. Nobody would dare make an enemy out of us. We are a force they cannot compete with." Hikari said proudly, easing her brother's nerves.
"Of course, sister. I will tell the others aware also." Sanguro said with a nod as he turned on his heel and made his way to the door after giving his neice one last look of awe.

"Good. Close the door on your way out." His sister requested softly as she picked up her book once again that she had forgotten to out a book mark in. She sighed as she tried to find out which page she was on, barely registering the fact that the door closed as Sanguru departed from the room.
"Mama?" (Y/n) then asked, speaking up once her uncle had left the room.

"Yes, baby?" Hikari replied gently as she pushed ber book mark into it's rightful place before putting her book down again. (Y/n) just seemed to be in a curious mood today.
"Are we in trouble?" She asked innocently, her voice soft as she stared up at her mother with wide worried orbs.
"No, honey. People out there just simply believe that we are too strong." Hikari explained gently, making her way to the floor to sit beside her daughter.

"Are they scared?" The young child then asked with a small frown.
"Yes...yes, they are." Hikari admitted.
"Should they be? We're not scary, are we?" (Y/n) then asked with a small voice.
"We can be..." Hikari told her truthfully as she didn't like to lie, her daughter frowing at this new information.

"Is Ryomen Sukuna scary too? Scarier than us?" (Y/n) then asked curiously, her eyes flickering to the cursed obejct on the wall again.
"He could be. But we shouldn't fear Ryomen Sukuna- or any other curse for that matter." (Y/n)'s mother told her as she stroked down her daughter's cheeks before continuing to say,

"After all, why would you fear your kingdom when you are it's queen?"

¤ Now ¤

(Y/n) woke up with a gasp, sweat trickling down her neck as she welcomed air into her lungs. That dream was real. It was a memory. And it meant that the fire that killed her family...wasn't an accident.

(A.N ~ Hope you enjoyed! Any theories?!)

Chapter 34 Quote Teaser :

"It is my concern! You're my best friend for fuck's sake!"

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