MHA Special (Part 4)

Start from the beginning

"Um, do you need something down here?"

You stopped pressing the button. "I was actually hungry. Can I walk past the chaos then?"

'But you're the one who hangs on the ceiling.' Midoriya thought as he let you walk out of the elevator and towards the kitchen.

"Hey Y/N!" Eri waved at you from her pillow fort. "Look at our pillow fort!"

"It's awesome Eri!" You have her a thumbs up. "I like it." You walked up to the fridge and reached for the handle.

"WAIT!!!" The whole class uproared, causing you to jump on the spot. You turned your head towards your friends as they stood in place, arms outstretched towards you, signalling to stop.

"Uh, what's the matter?" You asked, confused.

The class nervously sweat drops.

"It's...because..the electricity isn't working!" You hear Momo say. "We gotta keep the cold air in the fridge as long as possible so leave it closed."




"But my computer was working was it not?" You asked. "Also, the elevator would be shut down, I've just taken it down here." You grabbed the handle.

"Would you like me to warm up your lunch?!" Todoroki suddenly shouted from across the room.

Looking back at him, you found it quite unusual for Todoroki to suddenly shout. It goes against his quiet, anti-social demeanour. "Uh, I can do that myself. Don't worry."

Your classmates were acting strangely today. First you came down to find them having a huge pillow fight free for all and then they suddenly stopped you from opening the fridge.

Just as you pulled open the fridge door, the whole class suddenly screamed. "NO!!!"

You stopped halfway and turned your head towards them. "You guys are acting so insanely suspicious right now." You let the door swing shut. "Wanna explain why?"

Jiro walked up. "It's complicated." She says. "How about I warm up your food while you go ahead and play with everyone else?"

You sighed. "Well alright then." Everyone in the room sighed with relief. You turned to walk away to let Jiro do her thing when you suddenly jolted back to the fridge and swung it open.

You found a white box with a pink ribbon wrapped around it, there was a note on the side.

Y/N's Birthday Cake. Do Not Eat!




They were doing all of that, over a stupid birthday cake. You honestly didn't know what to say, you were speechless.

The rest of the class were silent as well, not knowing what to do.

Eventually, Midoriya spoke up. "Y/N, you see, this is supposed to be a surprise for you but."

You closed the fridge and placed your head on the door. There was only your breathing for a moment before it turned into a small giggle. And then into a laugh. You lifted your head off and turned towards the class. "You guys were so funny, the way you acted, trying to prevent me from seeing this!" You wheezed. "You know how stupid you looked?!" You clutched your stomach.

At least your birthday was going to be something interesting.

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