Besides, she didn't have time to worry about arguments with them when she had a quidditch match coming up.

Wednesday came quicker than Amelia would have liked. The first quidditch match was always the worst one, the nervousness was too much - she could barely think about anything else.

Her mind was filled with the worst scenarios that could occur: falling off her broom, scoring an own goal, messing up the entire game or worse having bad hair the entire day.

Amelia's hair was already messy enough, she certainly didn't need to worry about that!

But her nerves got the better of her, and all of those thoughts seemed to be real possibilities - even as she flew, the worries only grew.

However, she had to push them down! She needed to focus, at the very least.

She began to think again of all the practices she had done, of the advice her teammates gave her, and of the plays they had planned out.

Slowly, her nerves became excitement as she sat down with Blake in the great hall.

"Morning." She smirked. "First match of the year how are you feeling?"

Amelia wasn't hungry, the thought of food making her nauseous but nonetheless she forced herself to smile whilst eating a slice of toast - knowing she'd need the energy.

"Nervous but excited at the same time. Where's Daph?"

Blake finished her mouthful of food before answering. "She's with Rowan at the moment but she promised she'd be in the stands to cheer you on. Although, I hope you don't mind that I cheer on for my own house."

Amelia sighed, of course she didn't mind - Blake was a Ravenclaw and even if they lost Amelia knew Blake would celebrate the Slytherins win. "I suppose not."

The duo ate and spoke together until Theo had found Amelia, practically dragging her away. "Sorry Rhodes! See you later!"

It was a clear, cool day with a very light breeze; there would be no visibility problems t, and Amelia, though nervous, was starting to feel the excitement only a Quidditch match could bring.

She could hear the rest of the school moving into the stadium beyond. Amelia took off her black school robes, removed her wand from her pocket, and stuck it inside her bag.

"You know what we've got to do," said Flint as they prepared to leave the locker rooms. "If we lose this match, we're out of the running. just --just fly like you did in practice yesterday, and we'll be okay!"

They walked out onto the field to tumultuous applause. The Ravenclaw team, dressed in blue, were already standing in the middle of the field.

Their Seeker, Cho Chang, was the only girl on their team, much like Amelia.

She smiled at Amelia as the teams faced each other behind their captains, she gave a forced smile back.

Though she had never spoken to Cho before, she did know that she was a brilliant seeker and she just had to hope that Malfoy was on his best game.

"Flint, Davies, shake hands," Madam Hooch said briskly, and Flint shook hands with the Ravenclaw Captain.

"Mount your brooms... on my whistle... three -- two -- one -"

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