Authors Notes

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Authors notes (Please read)

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Authors notes (Please read)

I'm currently rewriting this book, and I want to let you lovely people know that the chapter and the messages the lovely people have left. May not fit once I have changed it, I am also changing the aesthetic as well. I hope you enjoy the improved version love you guys. And thanks for choosing my book. :)

I know these are boring and I usually but hear me out !

Thank you so much for reading my story and I hope you give it a chance. I hope you grow to love the characters just as much as I have created them.

This is my first story so please take that into consideration. I am still a new writer so work with me! But hate is not tolerated, however I appreciate constructive criticism. You may find this book at parts cringy and that understandable this is Wattpad it can't all be 100% original.

Please do not copy this story !

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other methods without my permission.

Don't copy it word for word. In other words, use it for inspiration !

This book has been published only on Wattpad.

Italian is NOT my first language, so if there's an error in translation please tell me so I can edit it.

This story is a multipov - I am a religious Wattpad reader and honestly prefer the multiple sides. However I am a female and do struggle writing in a man's perspective so Emilla's Pov will seem more realistic.  

Also this is a fast paced book if that is not your style you don't have to read it! This may start off slow, I hate not having context behind a story the main characters relationship, however this story will progress fast. But when I say a fast past book it will have between 20-40 chapters. Seeing as where I want the story to go. 


This is a story created by myself if there are stories similar out there because nothing can be 100% original.

The picture I use in this story whether that be aesthetically or clothing:; they are from the internet (Pinterest)

This story contains warnings

Please remember this is just Fiction nothing more don't take it literally this is just for enjoyment.

There may be grammatical errors please point them out.

Also, if their are going to be arguments in the comments, tag me ☕

Okay, enough of this... you can read now

Love you guy, see ya later <3



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