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Normal P.O.V:

Leafy walks home from visiting Candle and upon opening the door and entering the living room is met with the sight of Firey and Pin with Firey looking overwhelmed and is holding something in a blanket.

Leafy: I'm home! Hi Pin.

Firey: OH Leafy h-hey..

Pin: Sup Leafy.

Leafy: Are you okay Firey? You seem worried about something.

Firey: I'm not worried, what do you mean by that? ha.. OW!

Firey had started to sweat but quickly stopped due to the sweat hurting him, Leafy looks to Firey's arms with something wrapped in a blanket and moving slightly.

Leafy: What's that in the blanket?

Firey: Nothing!

Pin: Firey, she has to know.

She takes the bundle and hands it to Leafy in which she opens it a little to see a tiny humanoid fire like Firey looking back at her with adorable eyes.

Leafy: AWW so cute!! Why didn't you tell me you had a baby brother Firey?

Firey: What- he's not my brother! I'm an only child!

Leafy: Then who is the little cutie?

Firey's face glows and burns brighter a bit as he was asked that question.

Firey: Uhh, if I remember my biology class right... our child...

Leafy: ...

Leafy: Wait so I'm.. a mother..?

The leaf's stem-like tail starts wagging rapidly and she hugs the little fire.

Leafy: Well no wonder you're so dang adorable! Who's Mommy's little flamey? You are, oh yes you are...

The baby flame laughs as Leafy nuzzles his face indirectly setting her on fire, she ends up panicking and Pin quickly grabs the baby before he fell and Leafy burned completely.


Baby fire: ???

Pin: This happens quite a bit with you two doesn't it?

Firey: Minus the baby, yeah... a lot.

Coiny walks into the living room with a sandwich and a juice box.

Coiny: What's all the noise over here?

Leafy hops out of her recovery center and runs past Coiny into the kitchen and back out wearing oven mitts to hold the baby with out burning.

Leafy: You start big fires for such a cute little boy don't you? 

Coiny: Haha, you should learn a thing or two about not freaking out from her Firey.

Firey: She doesn't even know how it happened!

Leafy: How what happened?

Pin: I take you were never given.. the talk before have you?

Leafy nods 'no' and Coiny puts his hand on her shoulder.

Coiny: Well... when two objects love each other very much...


Coiny: What?! I'm just telling her about how object eggs are created from incubators with the DNA samples of their parents, y'know answering her question.

Pin: Yeah but knowing you, you were going to make it dirtier than it actually is. And even then fire babies are born differently.

Leafy: Wait so babies don't just show up???

Pin nods and takes the baby fire off Leafy's hands.

Pin: I brought Firey that dirty old hospital gown you used to wear to him so he can get rid of it.

Firey: And I disposed of it the same way I dispose of all my old trash, burning it myself. But when I did so that little guy popped out!

Pin: Your hospital gown was apparently covered in enough of your sap to bring a baby to the world once combined with Firey's flames.

Leafy: Aww accidental babies are always the most lovable.

Firey: Leafy we're high schoolers, we're not of legal age yet to have children, let alone be married! I'm sorry but he can't stay.

Leafy: What!? But... he just came into the world! :(

Firey: Hey chill out, I'm not saying he has to... y'know. I'm just gonna call up an adoption agency to take him. They find suitable parents of the appropriate age to take care of him.

Leafy: Whoever said we can't raise him, he's OUR kid. 

Firey: (This is why I didn't want Leafy to know about this Pin)

Leafy takes the baby from Pin and holds him in Firey's face.


Coiny: *chuckle* This is more entertaining than pranking my elderly neighbors.

Pin: (why did I even fall in love with you...)

Leafy: C'mon Firey, can we please keep him? 

Firey: Do I always have to say everything twice with you?

Leafy: I'll take good care of him as his mommy. I'll feed him bathe him (if that's even possible) and clean up his messes. Pleeease?

Firey: Oh no. Not the big sad eyes, come on Leafy don't give me the big sad eyes! ugh, aren't you two gonna help me out here??

Pin: Hey she's done that to me too, what makes you think I'm immune to it?

Coiny: heh, yeah your on your own bub.

Firey face palms and sighs in utter defeat.

Firey: *sigh* Fine...

Leafy: YAY!

Leafy cheers and Firey takes the baby.

Firey: But I get to name him! After all you wouldn't be in this world if it weren't for me would you Firey. Jr?

Firey Jr: *baby noises*

Coiny: "Firey Jr?" Seriously?

Firey: Well he's obviously not gonna be named after a stupid Coiny.

Coiny: Grr!


~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: The art is not mine!)

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