It is you...

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Normal P.O.V: 

Puffball had taken the group home starting with Golf Ball, her mother was sitting on the porch on the phone with a friend when she notices GB and the others arrive and goes up to them.

Golf-Tee: Your back so soon, why is that?

Pin: Well uh...

Golf Ball: It got too cold over there with yoyle's winter approaching so we packed up early.

Golf-Tee: *gasp* Golf Ball dear, what happened to your little face?!

Golf Ball: Oh this? Nothing serious, I just tripped and fell down a hill during a hike. The eh black eye was from landing on a low barring branch with my face.

Golf-Tee: Oh my poor child... I'll go get the first aid, and the nail file for that nasty scuff.

Golf Ball: TB, sneak the creature into the factory's freezer.

Tennis Ball: On it.

Tennis Ball walks over to a tree in the yard and opens a secret panel that scans his face and opens the entrance, Firey watches him take the Crimson Creature while it's still frozen down there as the entrance closes up.

Golf Ball: You all can go home now, Firey you can check if Leafy's recovery center still works if you want. After my mom fixes me I'll examine the Crimson creature tomorrow.

Pin: How the heck can you even be so casual and serious after the theory that Leafy is gone forever!?

Golf Ball: Consider it as.. my method of coping from a tragedy.

Needle: Do you really want to make things up with Leafy? Or are you just doing this so no one's mad at you.

Golf Ball: I know not many of you like me but believe it or not, I have a sense of care. I intend on joining and helping you guys on getting Leafy back home safe because I want to apologize for my overreaction.

Needle: At least you realized your flaw. 

Firey's P.O.V:

Everyone head home for the night and hit the hay, not me though I was way to worried about Leafy's well being and also still thinking about the possibility of The Crimson Creature's connection to Leafy. I get up from my bed with possibly the stupidest plan ever, a plan so stupid it'll make my hang glider disaster look like genesis. After eating a yoyle berry so I don't excel heat I sneak over to GB's place while checking if both her and her ma are fast asleep. I open the secret panel on the tree and reach in my pocket for a simple golf ball and hold it up for the scanner to scan.

CPU: Scan complete, welcome: Golf Ball.

Once the factory entrance was open I went inside and started looking for that freezer, I notice an alignment of syringes filled with freeze juice, that should come in handy. I finally found the freezer but..

Firey: *whispers* Darn, it's locked. Knowing Golf Ball she probably hides that code in her shoe or something else more crazy.

As I look around for the code I notice a slip of paper under a desk labeled "list of codes since TB keeps mixing them up."

Firey: Thank you, TB.  

I get the freezer open, walk inside and there it or she was right in the middle of the whole room. I take a good look at the face of pure aggression it was worse than when we first met, upon closer inspection apart from the crazy face the resemblance is too uncanny to be anything else. I pick the creature up and take her home. Once I got her inside I bring her to Leafy's room, lock the door and wait, she'll thaw out eventually and it's not gonna be pretty. If this doesn't work out... at least I might see Leafy again.

Finally the Crimson Creature thaws and she was confused at first until she saw me and snapped back into action pouncing and pinning me to the wall and floor. She might not recognize me from the yoylemetal, she screams in my face and bares all her teeth like before and drips of her saliva fly into my face but I shake it off.

Crimson Creature: *SCREEEEEECH*

Firey: I'm not afraid of you, you won't let yourself hurt me. Isn't that right... Leafy?

Leafy?: !??

The red leaf's intense expression lightens up a little and her loud growls get more quiet. I was right!

Firey: It's okay, you're okay... you're safe here. I promise.

We both stare at each other for a moment until she shakes her head, jumps off of me and goes off to lay down on the other side of the room, I sit myself up but I don't move any further than that and give her her space. As I looked more at her behavior she seems to be acting more animalistic, and it's not just her looks either she has claws on both her hands and feet (now I know how she got the tracking implant out), her legs in themselves appear more digitigrade and on each arm a black spike of sorts pierces through her sleeves. I tried to ask her about what happened to her but she just doesn't respond, maybe she just doesn't trust me enough yet in that state or maybe she lost her ability to talk. Either way I started to get tired, even Leafy had yawned but she still glared at me. Perhaps if I let get to sleep she'll see that I trust her and feel more calm, so I lay down myself and let myself fall asleep.

~To be Continued~

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