Fairgrounds Pt 2

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Leafy's P.O.V: 

Me and Firey stroll through a line of stations that are carnival games to choose from, one had caught my attention and I brought Firey to it.

Operator: Step right up step right up! Test your strength! Ring the bell win a large plush prize of your choosing!

Leafy: This looks interesting.

Firey then cracks his knuckles (how does that work if he doesn't have bones?).

Firey: Watch me win this.

Firey then steps up the the High Striker and pays for a try. I stand back and watch him attempt to smack the thing to ring the bell like the guy said.

Firey: Hrrrrrrrgggh! Phew...

Firey struggles a bit and barely gets the puck in the air but not that far...

Operator: Oooh tough luck scrawny. 

Firey pouts and lightly stomps back to me, I have decided to have a go myself.

Leafy: I'll have a turn please.

 Laughter is then heard in the distance from a pink person beside a more slender guy with a blue cap and... Blocky.

Pink guy: HAHAHAHA! How cute, that flat light girl thinks she can take on the High Strike!

Blocky: Uh Eraser, I wouldn't really mock that girl in particular... 

Boy with blue cap: Why so Blocky?

Firey: Because it's rude and that's my uh friend your picking on!

Well said Firey!

Blocky: Well there is that... but mostly because I have met her and er well, she's a LOT tougher than she looks!

Eraser: I doubt it, she looks like she'll easily be swept away by the wind. How tough can that be?

Boy with blue cap: I agree with Eraser, how can a leaf be that frighting?

Blocky: Trust me Pen, that girl isn't ordinary.

Hmph! I'll show him. I ready myself with the mallet and hit hard with enough force to cause the puck to go up and down ringing the bell twice. 


Eraser, Pen & Firey: :O

Operator: :O

Blocky: Told you...

Leafy: Do I get a big plush now? :D

The operator shakes his heads before talking to me.

Operator: Not one plush young lady... for ringing the bell twice, you've won TWO large plushes!

I take a big green bunny and an orange dog and the dog to Firey who snaps back to his senses.

Leafy: Look Firey, I won a prize for both of us!! 

Firey: Wow Leafy, how you never told me you were that strong?

Leafy: I thought you knew...

Firey: Ahem, let that be a lesson for you three, don't make fun of my girl! C'mon Leafy let's go try the some other games.

Firey and I leave Blocky and his two jaw slacked friends and go play some more carnival games, we soon come across a game with a large tank of water and a target next to it, sitting over the tank was the strangest thing I've ever seen.

Firey: David, I didn't know you work here.

David: Aw, seriously?

Leafy: You know that thing?

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