Scary stories

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Normal P.O.V:

Tennis Ball sets up a small grill over their campfire and attempts to open a pack of hot dogs to start cooking.

Tennis Ball: Hrrrrrg! phew...  Why are these always hard to open?

Pin: Hey Tennis Ball, do you know where Leafy is? I can't seem to find her.

Tennis Ball: Yeah, she's over there at the edge of the river with Coiny. I think she's teaching him how to fish.

Pin: Thanks.

Tennis Ball: Wait before you go... a little help?

After using her point to cut open Tennis Ball's pack of hot dogs Pin goes to where he pointed her and finds Leafy and Coiny on their knees by the river and a bucket next to them, Leafy's hand was stretched out over the water and she carried a steely stare.

Coiny: So you manage to craft knives out of overcooked berries, but you couldn't craft your own fishing rod?

Leafy: No, now be quite, you'll scare the fish.

She waits a little longer and after a few seconds she thrusts her arm in the river and pulls out at least 3 minnows in her single hand. 

Leafy: Ha-! 

Coiny: Wow, did you really just catch 3 at ounce?

Leafy: Well they are pretty small, I found that with a big enough grab and fast enough reflexes you can get multiple. Now you try.

Coiny looks around the river for approaching minnows and attempts to do the same as Leafy, only to get wet dirt and a pebble.

Coiny: Oh dang. 

Leafy: You'll get it eventually, I find it helps when you have this little thing called patience.

Coiny: Real funny. Oh! Hey Pin, how long have you been standing there?

Pin: Oh not long. I was just letting you guys know we're about to start cooking, come by the tents. 

Leafy: Can we bring these fish?

Pin: Hm yeah sure.

A few moments later the group sat around the fire with their paper plates of food or roasting marshmallows. Coiny holds his over Firey's head which leaves him unamused.

Firey: Can you stop with that?

Coiny: Make me.

Needle: You know Nickel, I never really considered you to be the camping type.

Nickel: What made you think I don't like to camp? I find it to be fun with the right people you go with. My favorite part of camping would have to be telling spooky campfire stories!

Tennis Ball: Scary stories? Sounds fun, what do you think Golf Ball?

Gollball sits beside everyone examining some sort of map and doesn't even look to them.

Golf Ball: Huh, oh yeah. Sure.

Pin: So who's goin first?

Firey: Oh Me, me! I know a good scary story!

Needle: Don't tell me it's about your first visit to the dentist again, because that's not scary.

Firey: Well, if you were to look at it through my perspective-

Nickel: Oh hey! Guess what Firey, NOBODY CARES!

Firey:  :(

Nickel: Now, hold onto your s'mores folks cuz I've got a classic that's even said to be true... The curse of the Evil Forest! MWAH HA HA HA HA HAAA!

Leafy: Evil Forest..?

Firey: Y'know that large area of woods near the city? That's Evil forest.

Nickel: And the story I'm about to tell explains how it has it's name. *ahem* 30 years ago, the mayor of NYC decided to expand the city and hired some lumberjacks to chop down a part of a nearby forest for wood to use, however... they've not returned for weeks and when search parties were made they haven't come back either. To this point with the method of recovering them not working the Mayor had given up the expansion believing it to be too dangerous...

Tennis Ball: *gulp* What happened then?

Nickel: Time passed 2007 some explorers went back into the forest to investigate the disappearances, the deeper in they went the darker and more labyrinth-like it became the explorers had been lost for who knows how long they still hadn't found anything, but something had found them...

Nickel: Out of nowhere in almost no time at all, one of the explorers had been dragged into darkness and their final scream had been cut off! One by one the explorers were taken, only one had escaped to tell this tale and get a glimpse of the monster. It's said that the entity stood still like a board, it's crimson color was seen even in the darkest area, it's eyes never blinked and were always bloodshot open, it had claws like daggers, it's mouth was mostly shut but when it did open you'd see a huge mouthful of razor sharp fangs that'd even give Leafy's a run for their money. And believe you me escaping possible demon is no easy feat, it wouldn't matter where you ran, hid, or what obstacle in those woods you went through, The Crimson Demon will always somehow be there before you... 

The whole group and especially Leafy had started to quiver a little from Nickel's story.

Nickel: And as it's ear piercing screech fills the area... it's guaranteed to be the last sound you'll ever hear!

Rash-voice: Tennis Ball!

TB and everyone else: AAAAAHHHH! IT'S THE MONSTER!

Golf Ball: Woah, chill out it's me, Golf Ball!


Golf Ball: wow... T_T

Nickel: *laughs* Oh you guys should've seen your faces! Hahaha!

Pin: Okay everyone's screaming at each other already, I'd say we hit the sack. Goodnight.

Needle: Night everyone.

Puffball: Goodnight~

Gelatin: Nighty night.

Everyone said their goodnights and got into their respective 2-people tents.

~To be Continued~

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